Hi Dtube family! Today I want to talk with you about upvoting here on Steemit and Dtube. Let me tell you how I do it and please let me know in the comments below how you see it!
Thank you for watching and have a wonderful day!
Love from Barcelona
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hello, I try to make it similar to you. But I sometimes miss the time and then I give away voting power. the worst is the automatic rate. This function should not exist. my opinion
Hi @mima2606 giving votes is never too late, this is what I think. Of course, coming late on upvoting is not always most profitable in case of curation, but that is my point. If the content is still worth my upvote than I don't much care about my curation on this post. The automatic voters are useful in some ways, as you can upvote creators that you know come up each post with something you like. So you can appreciate them every time. I use them not frequently but sometimes when I know I will be offline for a longer time, so I dont sit on my full voting power for a long term. Thank you for your comment! Have a great day
I only just recently learned about how the voting power situation works on here. I often look through my feed, and if something is of high quality and spikes my intrigue, I will vote it up. Good video and thanks fo rsharing.
Thanks for your comment @satorigraphics good to see your on the same page with me!
I use my upvote on both, the content that I like and the content published by people I like, just because I want them to know I like supporting them even if sometimes I do not have the time to review their published content deeply.