We truly live in exciting times. In the past months, DTube's popularity has exploded, especially outside of the STEEM ecosystem. A lot of content producers, particularly technophiles, have started being aware and spreading the news about the existence of DTube, the way it works, and the advantages of our platform over our competitors. As a sign of greater popularity, we got rank #1 on Hacker News.
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Images were hidden due to low ratings.
So much new things. So exiting. I am new to Dtube, but I am here to stay. Having just as much fun as it can be
2018 will be a great year for dtube #steemit
Great stuff! Thinking about starting making videos on dtube.
Dem top comment hijacks, lol
so meta! I love meta programming my brain on DXM :D from robo tripping to steem blockchain dissociation ad freestyle word salad typing! Now to the more relevant topics at hand!Nice meta meta ing @cryptoctopus long time no read, I need to follow you more and give you shoutout and feature you in my next bogs I wt all my followers to be following th progress of you and @jesta oh I bet theres a Steem Browser being planned I can just feel it in he air!
And also Dtube has embedded Video now on Busy.org so it shows up in the post and even has a preview player in the thumbnail ON busy.org no need to actually click to a new window like on steem, eventually I know steem will "trust" dtube enough to allow the to have embedded video players on steemit as well!
Yes Dtube will become the mos revlevant Steem Dapp in 2018, Kids will straight up be doing the DAPP fuck the Dab they're going to be DAPPINg this year!
and also steepshot will acquire many new features like Snapshat and iNstagram, I'm talking 3d filters and video editing software built in for special effects and LIVE streaming mode,, ohhh yeah we will have Steepshot STORIES just like Instagram and Snapschat!
That'll be amazing :) I'm overtaken by hope every time I envision the grand future that awaits the Steem blockchain ecosystem. I really want all of this to grow magnificently like a beautiful rainbow flower toward the sky.
while using google autocomplete :
@carrioner seems like most active steem/dlive/dtube promoter :)
As I do most things on the go and have been terminated from YouTube, I so look forward to transitioning over to DTube - but can’t upload from mobile. I can’t wait to be able to do this!!! Way to go on this project. We will be sharing it on our radio show RTR TRUTH MEDIA
Exciting times we live in and with the growth of the platform more users are merging over from other platforms here thanks heaps
Can we bring back 5 star rating system like Youtube had?

Hey I was talking to @elgeko and @fyrstikken on https://steemspeak.com about this and elgeko asked why D.tube can't just have he OLD Youtube 5 star rating system! People loved that system and we might get some serious competitive advantage bringing back all the stuff Youtube doesn't have anymore that people miss!
But how would that be compatible with the Steem vote system? If you set 5 stars, it votes it up? But what if someoen doesn't want to vote but wants to rate? What if they, by rating, forget that they can vote it too? What if by rating it, they feel like they've done enough to support the author and leave?
I know this post is old but what if the rating of stars indicated vote weight?
Then you would be upvoting something with 20% that you deem worthy of 1 star? I wouldn't want to give an upvote for that, or even a flag sometimes. I'd just leave it alone and let it die in peace.
Not necessarily. The stars don't have to be exactly 20% each. You could make 1 star 10%, 2 stars 25%, 3 stars 50%, 4 stars 75% and 5 stars 100% and then you could also include the option for a slider scale that would do a rounding estimate of all the votes (both sliding votes and stars) and display the mean rating in stars. So that would allow people to be specific with their votes, but also allow for a quick way for people to judge if they should watch the video based on the stars.
I personally think people should flag more often and not get offended by them. To me a flag means I'm not doing the best I could be and I didn't reach my potential with the post.
2 separate systems stars any one can use and voting for steem users only
Or maybe stars could be attached to the blockchain somehow. As you know, all posts have a lot of JSON information that says which app was used for posting, who the beneficiaries of the post are, etc.
Each comment could have a rating attached as a JSON format, so it would say
{"client": "DTube", "is_review": true, "stars": 5}
, but this would promote lower quality comments and I think that we have quite enough of those already.yes fix the unknown errors for video uploads please, and thanks. Good work you guys are doing so far by the way.
I keep getting them for 5 uploads in a row and I have a 256 Kbps upload, such a pain....
Exactly :) Lovely updates and all, but the bugs are still there at the time of upload.
yep we have waited long enough, time for this bug to be fixed.
OMG Your Profile Pic is the dog from Rick and Morty :D
Mine is the dog from me. Well, like, it is me.
I also like Rick and Morty.
Fake dog, didn't woof.
Error 404: Cat avy not found.
Too many things which D.Tube should already be if it wants to be the YT killer.
Planning to do such a simple thing and the slow roll out of other simple things is a death sentence.
See, I DO like what D.tube represents.
But it's no where near where it should be.. specially when it valiantly attempts to sell itself as a giant killer. Belief is good. Delusion is dangerous.
Either simply be D.tube and be what you can be and grow.
Or end the attempt to lure others as the alternative. Many see the truth and that then actually hurts your image/product and future. Even die hards within this system acknowledge this.
YT is never going to die let all be honest, if you try you to YT you will fail BADLY, So I think DTube should be a competitor not a YT Killer, Source YT is owned by Google, Google not going anywhere anytime soon.
I made a living from youtube when I was 15. There is a small change that you don't fail...
thank you so much for all the hard and amazing work that you do @heimindanger!! I am so glad to hear that you are implementing all these changes and I think they will just keep improving! I am glad to have been there from the very beginning and I will keep posting and making @dtube better! I have just recorded a bunch of new video lessons for @dtube users who will be coming onboard and will do a video to share to all my following outside steemit to 350 k followers, so hopefully it will bring even more people on board! Having that achievement is huge already in such a short time, and you should be very proud of yourself! Alla x
well dtube is really an attractive now this time and the growth on global char of alexa ranking is awesome and hope one day dtube will kill youtube because youtube cannot give many benefits like dtube
Thanks a lot for the great work you're doing and share these all features of dtube in fully details wthich i didnot see and didnot know before read this
no doubt dtube video quality in 720p is much better with and the pixles are better than youtube and i really like to watch videos on dtube
other side 24p option is more good because in earliear i was confuse some time to watch some videos on dtube when my network was some slow and videos size too much and i couldnot play videos but this 240p now it is more awesome and playing well when my network is slow
also good to see your plan for next patch and i will wait for all these which you described here
good to see you here as well @shencoin
I always listen to black metal in 240p for the true cvlt experience.
Anyway, I always record my videos in 720p and with that available now my videos will look more professional. I am really happy about that and I bet everyone else will be too.
I expect that even more Youtubers will come to DTube now as everyone will promote the new DTube features on Youtube.
hahaha black metal in 240p for the trve cvlt experience xD you made my da hahahaha
144p would be even better.
I am sure DTube will consider adding that in the future for all lovers of black metal.
just imagine a "Immortal - Call of the wintermoon" video in HD mindblow
No cvlt experience, however, black metal in high quality actually sounds really good.
very nice cover :) is it you ?
Yeah this is just great! I've been looking for the Screwtube alternative for years... finally it appears Dtube is the answer!
It would be great if @dtube could one day kill youtube, but I don't belive @steemit is the system, it's ran too much by bots and not real people. I love the idea of it, but I have been on Youtube for less time then @steemit and I have 1,000 times the followers, and I'm already making money. On @steemit I've lost $120, while people posting content that wouldn't get 5 views on Youtube are making hundreds of dollars per post on @steemit. It's a great idea, but the people who now have the power to make content popular on @steemit have no goals but to line their own pockets with money. When a platform is being ran like that, it just broken. Hopefully they will fix it before something else comes along. This is just the first like this, there will be more. Usually being the first to market means death for the company/project first as soon as something better comes out and exploits the flaws. If @dtube were stand alone, with no ties to @steemit or SP or anything like that, it might have a chance.
But money talks right?
upload a video without publishing it which can then be scheduled to be automatically listed.Not sure if you already know this, but @furiospete123 said in one of his video that he misses the feature to
This might be important to get more bigger names to dtube in the longterm.
100% this. This is one of the biggest things holding me back from going all in on dtube, along with playlists. :P
The uploader is still the biggest issue for me. It took me several attempts just to get it to work just now. I also don't like that there's only 4 tags allowed. Didn't it used to be 5?
Thissssssss. We need everything with a scheduler.
amazing. thanks for improving dtube. since many youtubers are shifting to dtube due to its popularity lately. many of us want the features we have in youtube.. the most important one will be debeloping a creator studio or a quick editor where we can make attractive thumbnails for our videos.
Excellent news! We desperately need an alternative to YouTube.
Awesome update! 720p is definitely a great addition. I've been watching some videos on D.tube lately and I really missed HD format.
Plus, really like the google indexing part! This is going to bring in so much organic traffic and D.tube will get even more popular really quickly.
Great future is ahead for STEEM blockchain :)
yeah bro imagine when they get all the features youtube has like livestreaming annotations close captions built in editing and music and VFX and imagine when we have snapchat level augmented reality filters, Dtube videos will be so much more fun when we have all those filters kids use on instagram and snapchat.. Why not bring those to a steem based Video platform like dtube?
wow i love this gif
Yeah it's AWESOME, ain't it?
Wahahaha! The GIF is killin' me! Exactly how I feel! LOL
So funny! And perfectly applies here. All great news! ♡ @amatchgirl
Same. I didn't realise with my first few uploads and I was like "Why does this look so horrible!?"
This doggo is 1080p or nothing! Guess I have some waiting to do.
Amazing work. I wouldn't be surprised to see Dtube break into the Top 100 sites in the world in the next 2 years due to Youtube, FB and Twitter's censorship. Exciting times we're living in!!
keep it up, dtube development is awesome.
8/10 videos i upload go online right away. when we had to 9,5/10 we can easily compete with youtube.
Yeah, they've really done a great job with the platform. Wish my IT team at work were nearly this productive.
Absolutely! If Dtube fixes it's uploading problems... it's sayonara Screwtube!
I also noticed that, sometimes dtube gets slow we I am uploading my vids but recently it became faster that before. Hope it will become more faster so that we can overtake Youtube.
because we have this!Boy did we need something to work for us on this blockchain. Can honestly say I was going to take an aside on video til I found @dtube, but now I make videos nearly daily, just
Very exciting upgrades. The past few days, I have noticed a remarkable improvement with uploading my videos and with streaming playback.
Thanks for all you do!
Interesting update. I am happy about HD and google indexing. I am waiting for that day when we will be competiting with Youtube for real.
Indexing with google will bring more traffic to our videos which as a result will help us gaining more users.
Great work! HD will make a great difference, I am glad you have pro hardware and are also dealing with the SEO aspects. Congratulations and thanks for your hard work.
EDIT: I just tested the HD feature with a 720 video.. the results seem to need some optimisation as the fade transitions are a bit blocky (maybe a higher bitrate for the 720 videos during conversion?).
I'm also unable to play the video in firefox and chromium was a bit slow.
Welcome to the future!
This is incredible! The DTube team has listened to the people and what we see is a product that the users want! They've just continued to level up time and time again. Working so hard to make the site user friendly and bring more people onto the platform. DTube moving forward is going to be a huge part of the STEEM blockchain. Maybe next to steemit, it'll be one of the most used apps here. Just like YouTube is the 2nd most used site next to Google, I believe DTube will be second only to Steemit. Amazing stuff! Thank you DTube team for working so hard!!! Let's all upvote and resteem!
It's perfect timing to with the Youtube Purge in full effect. These guys will cash in for sure!
Agreed 100%
I am open to any comments you might have about my recent blog post "Are Copyrights Enforceable on DTube?"
I told ya:
And here you are: growing faster than one can track :-)
Great updates! Thanks for keeping us posted.
I think you only have to go ahead doing what you've done until now and then this will take off for sure. Well it's already taking off....:-)
Best, Marly -
@surfermarly you are correct. I am so excited after one year Dtube will become a virus that many people will notice. Good thing about us we know it already. For the Dev team, keep it guys.
Dtube grows, but only as long as people can trust Dtube. Are older videos removed if they don't make enough money on Dtube? Some say after a week to a month, if the video made less than a dime, it is not kept any longer. I understand if that is true, but it is a bit scary too if that is maybe true.
The Steem blockchain is decentralized, you can't delete anything from it. Now the apps built on the blockchain are all centralized, which means that their owners theoretically have the power to manipulate the displaying of the published content. It's actually the first time I hear something like that about DTube. If you're in doubt, aske the devs. You can find them on discord in the according @dtube channel :-) Or text @heimindanger.
Just phenomenal and thank you for all the hard work. SO great to see the continued growth and refinement that you do so a big THANK you for all the work. Looking forward to continued content creation for you guys!
No shoutout required my friend. Excited to be able to be involved in putting out some content so thanks again for all you do.
Getting better with each update! yes!!
You guys are awesome! DTube is developing SO fast
keep up the good work
I'll admit that I've run into issues on DTube each time I've picked it back up. But that doesn't mean it isn't great and you shouldn't keep growing and improving! These are early days, so best of luck to you and keep at it.
What an awesome news!
R.I.P. Youtube! Long live Steemit!
And #DeleteFacebook
Way better than youtube
Please consider fixed function hardware encoders - orders of magnitude more efficient. Look forward to 4K support in the near future, but for now HD is a good step forward. Long way away from feature parity with YouTube or Vimeo, but glad to see rapid progress. All the best!
great achievement
Wow huge changes congrats. Yeah CPU encoding is not efficient - slow and expensive. GPU encoding is way cheaper and encoding quality has gone up
Congrats you made the #steemitminute for today! https://steemit.com/dtube/@reseller/086m22nm
I have tried uploading to Dtube on several occasions in the past, and always ended up with a failed attemp. After reading your post, can I surmise that the uploading and download speeds have improved? If so, I should re-visit another attempt to upload something. Thanks for all the hard work bringing Dtube along!
P5000s are excellent GPUs.. good that they can parallelize a lot of encoding jobs. less wait time for us.
kudos to the developers as well for the patch.
I am really liking the new update to d.tube keep up the good work
Theses are great developments for DTube and Steem in general! Thank your for all your hard work @heimindanger!
I like dtube. Good update news @heimindanger
Dtube is developing so fast and its doing an amazing job for the steem community, I think it is breaking a barrier for regular people to start using steem!
Excellent development indeed and i hope you soon add 1080p too which surely give more strength to Dtube.
OMG this is like Christmas and my birthday all at once AND this is the icing on the cake 🤩
Thank you so much for giving all of us this amazing opportunity!
That’s how I felt too!! 😍 Hehe
Thanks for using Dtube as Dtube continues to grow.
dtube is attracting more people day by day as youtube has made it difficult to earn rewards now.
Great stuff, I love you @DTube! You're doing fantastic work.
Scaling is always a challenge when growing so fast. YouTube is doing a lot to help by alienating content providers.
ranked #1 :D... great job. And HD getting added is huge.
Dtube still needs a ton more fixing as I constantly get unknown errors popping up when I try to upload videos forcing me to having to be constantly using different browsers which is annoying. #fixDtube
DTube team is working good. I know this is just a start so there many areas where it should be improvised. And i am really sure those developers will make Dtube so strong that youtube will be diminished in upcoming years.
Crypto space is expanding and it's just a child age of blockchain and Crypto and also DTube.
Keep improving DTube. I am in support of DTube,
powerfull Quadro P5000 no more delay in dtube
Incredible work! HD will have an awesome effect, I am happy you have professional equipment and are additionally managing the SEO perspectives. Congrats and a debt of gratitude is in order for your diligent work. Alter: I simply tried the HD highlight with a 720 video.. the outcomes appear to require some streamlining as the blur advances are somewhat blocky (possibly a higher bitrate for the 720 recordings amid transformation?
Yes we are aware of this and we will change this soon
I feel a great sense of satisfaction every time I see one of these update posts. Makes me feel at ease when I see issues resolved. Good work @dtube!
I noticed you guys don't have Mandarin Chinese yet, I would like to help you with that!
Wow thats a great news! Go ahead we are always with you :)