DTube 0.2: Faster to serve videos, Stronger to resist censorship

in #dtube7 years ago


First I need to thank each and every person who either upvoted, commented on my article, or used DTube since its launch. The number of reactions I gathered after posting my previous article on steemit.com, is simply staggering. The way this project was released, with the number of users we serve, and the total bandwidth we consumed in the first weeks, was a very good to test for DTube to see how far it can be taken. Thank you all.

Copyrighted and Extremist content

I really didn't want to blog about that, but we have all seen the copyrighted content posted on the blockchain recently, as well as more recently some 'far-right winged' political videos that are usually censored on YouTube. And many people have been asking about my stance on that privately.

For me, these two problems are the same. The community must deal with it. I cannot do anything to stop it myself, I don't control anything but the dtube.video domain. I'm sure STEEM is full of invested people who want the platform to succeed, and they know which contents serve our interests and which don't.

If the upvotes outweigh the downvotes, the video goes up and might be displayed in hot/trending. Otherwise, it ends at $0 and won't be stored. I believe any living thing is able to see good from wrong, and every STEEM account has at least 6 SP, so why not use it? If you think something shouldn't be on DTube or SteemIt, just downvote it!

Business plan?

I intentionally hadn't put any thought into this aspect of the project before launch. After getting the numbers and seeing what we can expect, it is obvious a platform like DTube can become a huge success in the future, and that many people will try to compete with DTube. DTube currently has 25% fees on videos (0% on comments), and it would be easy for someone to compete by simply lowering the fees on the upload.

I believe there is no winning strategy. Most existing video platforms (including porn websites) will be interested in what we are doing. They will eventually end up understanding and copying what we are doing. These companies have been in the video platform business for years, and they gathered a lot of information, did a lot of research, and they have competent staff that have been working with videos for a while. They have existing infrastructure, legal entities, and lawyers. If these people start competing with DTube, DTube won't be able to run as fast as them.

Hence the choice, of not turning DTube into a business. The 25% fees will cover the development costs, for a couple of months, then once the project is solid and we stop working on it, paying the fees will only remain as a defaulted option.

Money, staff, and community

The total earnings of @dtube can be seen at https://steemdb.com/app/dtube/earnings (built by @jesta). As you can see, we are averaging 200 SP per day. That is a lot of income and it is enough to find a competent second developer as well as a designer to help this project going faster. I am already in the process of interviewing and will pick wisely.

We also now have not one but two channels on steemit.chat, #dtube and dtube-promo. Anyone is welcomed. I also created a private discord for the 3rd party providers (@nannal, @thekyle), future staff, and a few content creators doing well on DTube.

Who needs a domain?

Hey @heimindanger, aren't you in some legal risks? Couldn't the domain be taken down just like thepiratebay.org ??

This isn't a real question, but I received the same one at least 20 times. TPB is a traditional website, with a back-end database. When this database gets unplugged, no more pirates. Here, a blockchain is our database, and you cannot unplug it that easily!

The domain is a concern. I could have to shut it down at one point if I receive a DMCA takedown. It already happened to a past website of mine, and there wasn't much to be done. That's bad. But, because there is always a but, DTube can easily be hosted anywhere. I could use GitHub pages, or even my Dropbox to serve DTube to the world. As we use IPFS on DTube already, it makes sense to go with IPNS (Interplanetary Naming System) that allows us to do this. Basically, DTube can be hosted on IPFS, and we don't really need a domain no more. Check it out at this ugly but functional link:

You can consider this link as a mirror that will never die. However, I will keep the domain working for as long as I can. It's more convenient for everyone.

Now let me introduce the changes in 0.2:

Remember me

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

(Image not shown due to low ratings)

Images were hidden due to low ratings.
There are 10 pages

It will be interesting to see if this platform can catch some market share in the media content creation area.

Not only this one, the idea and the use of IPFS is really great... I did not know before that one can host websites this way... this is the logical evolution...
DTube might be the best implementation for the moment, but this will also spur competition and other people trying to outcompete it by using Steem as a platform... This is something Youtube can only be jealous of... I think that as Linux outcompetes Windows in many areas (look at Android), there might be even better Website designs... But DTube at the very least will get its place in history, as the first really decentralized video website.
With this I agree with Jerry, that Steem should go to a 100 bucks in the next 2 years...

DTube is a decentralized gushing video stage connected to Steemit (the decentralized web-based social networking) which enables clients to transfer recordings effortlessly and profit (or cryptographic money) by means of the upvotes or likes on their post. As YouTube acquires the Anti-Defamation League to demonetize substance and mark it as "detest discourse", DTube couldn't have come at a superior time.

So clear something up to me and the few I can outreach to... Down vote #1= someone disagreed. Down vote #50 = content that should and will be removed? #1 & #50 being generic terms as an example?

This seems interesting.

censorship is never a good idea.

Censorship is mental illness

I think the team behind DTube is definitely capable of having a lot of impact in the media content creation area. Just imagine all steemit youtubers would move to dTube and earn money through it. The fact that they already using IPFS is awesome.

Yeah it was laggy at start, but getting better

Do you think that the price of 1 dogecoin is just $ 0.0000042, and for the next one or two years, the price of dogkine will come when the cost of Bitcoin comes at just $ 42.276 or one or two The price of 1 dogkine in the year will be at least $ 10.56. Now, what you do not understand from the price of dogkine, I want to tell the people that if you believe in a bitcoin, Dog coin kim So much so $ 10. 56 will be increased when the cost of bitcoin can increase, the price of dog coins will also increase

dtube.video will be the 100 top sites in few months. I am sure this platform is capable to get biggest market share in media content and also capable to get listed in top 100 alexa sites.

Give it time I think it will. I feel like this site is more for the people, than youtube is

every marketing media has his own market value this media has his own value every social market need traffic of peoples to attract

Interesting post, I really liked it!

It will catch some market share for sure ,,,,Because thousands of steemians are interested in using it,, nd thi is only the beginning,.

It is looking like this platform will do amazing things and shock a lot of people.

Help to collect 1 million for the travel with the likes xD

with the collaboration of the whole community this platform can become greater than youtube over time because it is decentralized and because it helps to grow all users, it is a matter of patience.

yep lets see what comm etc this clone get

I think so...

I think this will doing great and decentralize the market due to which small business men also get some profilt. I like it...


On Copyrighted and Extremist content:

I think it is best for this platform if we let this content exist in it's own bubble by filtering it by default, but not censoring it.

Due to the lopsidedness of the SP distribution it makes it very easy for one person or a small group of people to police opinions they personally don't agree with.

Down-voting will make steem a circle-jerk where only the most sanitary content can be rewarded. How boring will the content on steem be if we start forming down-voting brigades for anything slightly offensive?

Let's not ruin the ultimate censorship resistant platform by policing content we disagree with.

“If this nation is to be wise as well as strong, if we are to achieve our destiny, then we need more new ideas for more wise men reading more good books in more public libraries. These libraries should be open to all—except the censor. We must know all the facts and hear all the alternatives and listen to all the criticisms. Let us welcome controversial books and controversial authors. For the Bill of Rights is the guardian of our security as well as our liberty.

[Response to questionnaire in Saturday Review, October 29 1960]”

John F. Kennedy

Note: The Steemit and Dtube’s of the world today are the open and public libraries of yesterday. There’s no coincidence that once you examine the etymology tree of both the words library and liberty, you find they originate from the Latin root word— liber, which translates as free.

I believe freedom exist first and foremost in the mind. Censorship and suppression are the harbingers of ignorance and slavery.

both the words library and liberty, you find they originate from the Latin root word— liber, which translates as free.

very nice observation

Thank you!

Sorry, but this is only partially correct.

liber as an adjective means free, this is correct. But the origin of library is the noun liber (book) which is used metonymically only. People used to write on bark, which is the correct translation of the noun liber. While this meaning of bark is related to trees and not to dogs, the meaning of library is related to bark and not to liberty...

Damn, langugages are difficult and confusing.


Makes me wonder if we could program an AI to make decisions like JFK would have... could be an interesting afterlife. Would be cool if it produced D-Tube videos as the product! "JFK on Censorship" then a video of a recreation of him, but with a new AI-created speech...

(We may all just be original content for future AI creations!?)

All the better if we each learn and speak with such authority. I've heard he had access to significant information, unlike many other leaders. Perhaps with the most complete data set, we make truly logical conclusions that help humanity.

I also disagree. It is this community's fear of the downvote which is allowing the currently over rewarded advertising and spam to get to the trending page. The point of the downvote is not to censor, but to voice your disagreement in the value of the post to the community at large.

Consider what made people get tired of facebook. People who pay to reach their facebook followers get priority on your facebook feed. Steemit is rather similar, except that we have 2 tools spread across the stakeholders to bring the better content to the top. We have the upvote AND THE DOWNVOTE. And using the downvote to disagree with those who upvote something just to benefit themselves and nobody else, is what your downvote is for.

That might be the intended purpose.. but there are unintended consequences.

I think we need support for something like steem-communities (reddit-style subscribed content) to get people content they find appealing.

Could we have communities like /r/sandersforpresident or /r/thedonald if they are allowed to down-vote each other?

Sure. But their reward pool contribution will be negated, so why would they come here in the first place?

A valid point. And I think reddit-style communities are on the way but as far as I know they won't be preventing people from downvoting.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

DTube is a decentralized gushing video stage connected to Steemit (the decentralized web-based social networking) which enables clients to transfer recordings effortlessly and profit (or cryptographic money) by means of the upvotes or likes on their post. As YouTube acquires the Anti-Defamation League to demonetize substance and mark it as "detest discourse", DTube couldn't have come at a superior time.

The Anti-Defamation League will have an even easier time censoring on DTube.
All it needs is to downvote any video it deems "antisemitic" (basically anything they don't like) to 0$ with the power of its jewish bankers backers.
Not to mention there is already a couple of zionist megawhales on Steemit which are downvoting any post questioning Jewish power, Haavara agreement, the bogus gas chambers, the Talmud, the Kalergi Plan etc etc
On Steemit a post only gets grayed out when downvoted to 0 (so it can't be fully censored), but on Dtube it will disappear completely! read what it says : "IF IT ENDS AT 0$ IT WON'T BE STORED"

If the upvotes outweigh the downvotes, the video goes up and might be displayed in hot/trending. Otherwise, it ends at $0 and won't be stored.

all that is prevented is using SP to pay the hosting fees. You can still pay the hosting fees to ipfsstore directly, or host the content yourself.

yes I just read that in one of the replies. that's good. the cost is 0.044$ per GB per month.
Though I still don't see the need for the "downvote to 0= not stored" thing, unless it makes Dtube unsustainable financially.
@heimindanger in one of the replies revealed that illegal content can already be removed from ipfsstore whenever a Court order or DMCA notice is sent to them.

IPFS has some mechanism to block videos actually and if he receives any DMCA notice or court order, @nannal will delete the file from ipfsstore.it instantly, I don't think he wants to go to jail.

Also important will be to setup the nodes in countries that respect freespeech, because France (where @heimindanger is from) is a NWO socialist dictatorship with the strictest "hate speech" laws in the World lobbied by the Anti-Defamation League. Even just questioning the Holocaust gets you 5 years in jail there.
Don't know where @nannal is located but hopefully not in France, or best wait for the creation of nodes elsewhere.

Which political opinion goes to the top is not the issue. The issue is the censorship (aka removal of content). Even if heavily downvoted a video should NOT be deleted.
Dtube is not censorship resistant nor a free speech platform if all it takes to remove a video is downviting it to 0.
Wealthy Elites , Government Agencies or even political mobs will be able to remove inconvenient videos with ease.

The issue is the censorship (aka removal of content). Even if heavily downvoted a video should NOT be deleted.

There won't be any deletion. DTube can't remove links stored in the blockchain. In theory state actors may be able to pursue IPFS hosts, but it doesn't look like deletion will be an easy task.

if a video gets downvoted down to 0$ it won't be stored.

If the upvotes outweigh the downvotes, the video goes up and might be displayed in hot/trending. Otherwise, it ends at $0 and won't be stored. I believe any living thing is able to see good from wrong, and every STEEM account has at least 6 SP, so why not use it? If you think something shouldn't be on DTube or SteemIt, just downvote it!

basically the ultimate censorship platform.
the wealthy elites and government agencies will be able to silence dissenters easier than ever before, they won't even have to wait for Goole...they'll be doing it themselves.

if a video gets downvoted down to 0$ it won't be stored.

It's not exactly true, I think @heimindanger is just using simplified language here. Once a file is put up onto IPFS, there is nothing DTube can do to remove it. Once a link is placed in the Steem blockchain, there is nothing that DTube can do to remove it.

The particular code that is used on DTube can select not to show certain videos, based on whatever logic it wants, but it's just not presenting it, the data is there and it's still fully public. All you have to do is use an alternate client (perhaps simply a modified version of DTube, depending on the license) and you'll have full access to every video every uploaded via DTube.

then we need an alternative client unless @heimindanger reconsiders his "downvote to 0 censorship" stance.

Fighting wars over which content gets exposure is the exact situation i am afraid of:

Since both left leaning and right leaning groups can negate rewards, you are left with neutral white-washed content, no?

No No No, Controversy has value, if you seperate them everything will fall flat.

Good morning DonaldTrumpFan and anyone who reads this comment.

This is my very first interaction with Steemit since joining a few days ago. I couldn't resist this opportunity to add my voice to this crucial topic.

I despise Facebook, YouTube and Twitter because, more and more, they are used as tools to censor views that they deem unacceptable; particularly views that are labeled as: "conservative" or "right leaning" or "hate speech" or "politically incorrect" or islamophobic" or "homophobic" or "racist" or "anti-semitic" or "white-supremacist" or xenophobic" etc.

Let me be clear. There should be no safe haven for anyone that advocates treason and sedition against the United States whether they are American citizens or not. Videos supporting, depicting pornography and coaching viewers on how to do pornography or child molestation or rape or bomb making (you see where I am going with this). Why? Because these actions are against natural law not to mention the Law.

So, DonaldTrumpFan, I share your concerns and position on this matter of censorship.

I will say more in my introduction post on Steemit and in my Dtube posts and video uploads.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

It will be a problem for any content that is controversial, not necessarily just political content.

I'm only proposing we need to carve out a space for controversial content. If the masses of users don't see it unless they look for it (like on reddit), then this incentives the maximum amount of people to buy steem.

The alternative, is content contrary to the dominating ideology will be censored and people who want to support such content will be discouraged since their upvotes will be negated by larger accounts.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

I thought it would be an opt in for the poster, something like:

  • Users can create a private tag that opts out of appearing on trending.
  • In exchange posts in that private tag can not be down-voted.

The only way to censor content in a private tag would be if all witnesses decide to not write content from a certain private tag to the block-chain. So you would need 95% of the community to think the content is obscene rather than one person with an agenda before the content is banned.

Expanding on the idea: you could allow people to register, own, moderate, and collect the curation rewards from their owned private tags.

Without a hard-fork to implement private sub-reddit style tags, I suppose an option to not to have your content show on trending, and hope agenda driven down-voters don't bother you would be nice.

Fuck your standards you fucking tool.... Time for a new video platform it seems.....

hahaha ut SP is just dollars, meaning anyone with DOLLARS can BUY and convert to SP.....

Yes but your going to run into the problem of fracturing with this and while that dose not seem like an issue platform dis-adoption at this early stage could happen as a result. In other words people will often choose to be in there own echo chamber/comfort zone rather than compete.

Dtube is sweet. I hope it can take off..

Had a question I was hoping someone could answer:

I see a lot of videos with $0.00 in rewards that still play. Don't you need to have a reward to pay for the hosting of the video? Why do these videos still play?

Great question!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

ah thanks! so if we cant use SP to pay the hosting fees, we can pay the ipfsstore hosting fees directly or host the videos ourselves.

DTube has changed Steemit in that short time it exists. So many people talk about, everyone is excited, new opportunities opened up and even new people are coming to Steem thanks to DTubes new service and the YouTube purge. Ameazing work you are doing and I try to contribute with my daily Steemy show as much as I can.

Cutest avatar on Steemit :)

Thank you, I drew it myself and I am by far no illustrator (yet).

D-Tube best project on steemit

This post received a 4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @roy92! For more information, click here!

Firstly, decentralized posting; now, decentralized video. The life is great! :)

It has been awesome so far. As for censoring content, that is what is killing YouTube don't do what YouTube did and censor content just because some people think it is "extremist", if it extremist content people will flag and down vote it into oblivion anyways.

It is great to see the platform is being upgraded with the money you are earning. So bravo to that and keep up the good work.

One small bug, the Safari browser is not letting people upload to DTube, when switched to Chrome the upload went just fine, but there seems to be some issue with Safari and Dtube, probably on Safari's end, but just letting you know.

Anyways peace and thanks again for the new platform.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yeah thanks, for sure.

I don't think content can be truly censored.

Why I love Dtube.

Yeah, I personally don't even have safari on my computer, it was fiancee and she could not upload a film for a day or so, kept saying IPFS upload error, so I made her switch to google chrome and it worked perfectly firs try. It is probably an issue with Safari which is a horrid browser.

It's great to see so much work being done on this. Are the issues with audio/video not syncing now resolved or at least better than they were?

My wife recently tried out dTube for the first time for a singing competition and a ton of people thought she was badly lip-singing the song because the audio and video had a delay even though it worked perfectly on her device and on youtube where she later uploaded it.

thanks for making this

If there will be a strict rules and a convenable system in order to fight against fraud, I think its an amazing program

Great post @heimindanger! To be honest, I'm kind of disappointed to hear your won't be turning Dtube into a business. Although, your reasoning for not continuing work on the project is solid. I was kinda hoping to see you get super rich off this app!

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @vegancap! For more information, click here!

Interesting project, but it never be so good as Youtube.

This post received a 3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @vysmek! For more information, click here!

Great projects; been testing with Dtube. A long way for improvements:)
-Hong Kong supporters

Hey ,
Thanks for sharing


This post received a 2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @maxsteem! For more information, click here!

It's Fantastic!!! Hope youtube shits itself and dies :P

Been testing these changes for a day and they are great improvements to the site! Glad to help with the Linux script!

Great project, great ideas, great people.

Appreciate your work dude, but one thing more, when we upload video on DTube with the description then we are not able to edit it. Kindly put that edit too in there.

you probably want @heimindanger, this is more his question to field.

Will there be an android app out any time soon? That would be amazing, or maby there is one, I only missed it?

I hope so. Another way will be to raise funds through an ICO or something like this. Something that can work out very fine... Or does steemit do the ethereum sort of token generation? DTube can do a lot from this..?WHat do you think?


Last night, my friend asked me to register dtube account for uploading video n he told me about Dtube but I knew nothing. Now i know more from you guys..i Will have it soo

I have heard also nixie tube, what is the difference both with dtube, very interesting to i read

I have not heard of #nixietube. Is it #IPFS based?

Hey @heimindanger great post and i really love dtube and it's a real difference. Great idea and keep doing the good work plus the design isn't a bad idea by any means. I'm sure will be getting Alot support from more steemians because of this. Good job.

Interesante el comentario que hacen aquí y sirve para poder ayudar a toda la gente que está interesada este tema

i like youtube because there we can know a lot about the world.

Very intersting! Thank you so much for sharing, there are so many nuggets of truth in this post! 😎😎😎

Thank you for the update and awesome work you are doing!

Honestly, I dont know where to start commending, but one thing for sure, you guys doing more than awesome. Friendly innovation per se.

Hola gracias por compartir esta información, no he leído juicioso todo el tema de Dtube pero si puedes responder tienes pensado implementar una App para Android y para IOS?

Hello steemian @heimindanger
I am here to help show your blog to more people by resteeming your post
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@steempowerbot is meant to help minnows get noticed by re-steeming their posts

To use the bot, one must be following us, and then make a transaction where the memo is the url of the post.

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Tulisan yang bermanfaat untuk semua orang,, orang akan faham dan mengerti bagaimana cara menggunakan youtube,,,
Bagaimana anda bisa menulis seperti itu,,, dan berapa lama waktu yang di butuhkan,,

I made my first video! And I used dtube of course.

But it doesn't load or play without long pauses. What have I done wrong? https://dtube.video/#!/v/mhrose/j9v2xny1
I thought it was the browser I used - Safari. But, now it happens on Chrome as well.

Also, it doesn't show up on a search with the word Health or Steemfest.
Appreciate any help.

I may have to resort to YouTube!

Fantastic project

I like to see hard working people who knows what are they doing. I'm proud to see projects like this rising. Good job. Upvoted. -#Padre

I wish I could provide an update with more 'eye-candy' features, but priorities are priorities.

We all see the hard work you're putting into this project, so no worries about candies :) There will be enough of it in the future!

This is surely one of the most important applications that has been built on the steem blockchain so far!

Youtube now will have a competition. Great Job!

Big thanks for this platform..... QUESTION --- Is there a file size limit for the upload or a time limit for video? I have slow internet ... it would be nice to see the upload % left or uploaded ... so you know if the upload is working. My internet is slow and when I upload a video ( 1 hour) it seems to crash... but look forward to seeing dtube advance... :)

This is a great project and timing of it couldn't be better. The amount of demonetized videos on YouTube is growing on a daily basis. I have seen some great Youtbers getting their incomes cut for no good reason.

Btw, I tried playing a DTube video a few days back and nothing would happen. Maybe the system can't handle heavy traffic yet?

Btw, I tried playing a DTube video a few days back and nothing would happen. Maybe the system can't handle heavy traffic yet?

Most of the changes today address that (especially people running a local copy and the Automatic Gateway), should run way better now.

Ok, that's good to know. I hope the system can really scale to handle all the "Youtube refugees" that I'm sure will be pouring into this service as political censorship continues on YouTube and Google.

Which video did you try playing?

The one with the solar eclipse: https://dtube.video/#!/v/stealthtrader/y1l68oyg

I tried it again today and it seems to work now.

It's likely the video you were trying to watch wasn't on the gateway you were using, so you were forced to wait for the gateway to download it.

Now the gateway is assigned based on the video's hash and as such that shouldn't happen any more.

Glad to see things are better for you.

Hay @heimindanger,

at first: Congratulations to you and thank you for all the effort you‘ve spend here! You really deserve the current hype around your plattform.

The following comment is based on the assumption that I can still pay money to keep a video online even if it has a lot of downvotes. If this is not true, skip the rest of this comment :P

I really love your projects and I also like the idea behind dtube pretty much and I know the struggle of posting critical content on youtube pretty well, but I think your answer to the Copyrighted and Extremist content part is a little bit .. how to say that? .. to easy?

The first thing that came to my mind are things like child porn. At least in Germany you go to jail for up to 5 years if you own or distribute child porn and I would assume that it is something simular in other countries. As I agree with you in the point that you only provide the domain and the used software, this could still be a point @nannal should think about.

Beside that I see some moral aspects. Imagine a video someone getting raped – Could you life with the thoughts that everyone can see the most awful moment of the victims life? Or another sample that is not that hard: Image someone would upload a nacked picture of you with your name in the video listed on google. And I guess everyone who thinks a little bit about this can identify a lot more samples like the ones above.

I want to point out that, from my point of view, there needs to be a mechanism to get content removed from the plattform. For sure developing the machism will be really hard without implementing something that can be abused to remove opinions someone does not like, but I think without this kind of mechanism the plattform could be easily used to destroy someones life as long as I have ~0.44$ / 100Mb to keep my video up.

as long as I have ~0.44$ / 100Mb to keep my video up

Way less actually, it's $0.044 USD/GB/month. So 100 MB or so would be about $0.003771/month or about $0.045252/year.

$0.44 would be about 10 years so way longer.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you very much for the clarification @heimindanger - Good to know that you / @nannel are prepared for those cases.

if you already have a mechanism for removing illegal content (copyright DMCA infringement, pedophilia etc) why are you introducing the "downvote to 0 = not stored" thing? it will obviously be abused for censorship purposes by powerful entities.

I rarely vote these days but you are getting a big upvote from me. Nice work.

On Extremist content.
I'm with Voltaire on this one:
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

And btw who could even define Extremist content? The government, SJWs, the fake news media?
What one may see as extremist content someone else sees that as the opposite.
The only solution is to stick with free speech otherwise the censorship spirals out of control.

We really needed this one. One can carve from Steem blockchain everything that he can imagine

This is best channel I have watched it's best way of dtube is better techinque ,it will help on many way for users have and it clears in best way

Great job. I do hope that you reduce the fee from 25% to say 10% soon. That will attract more users.

Thank you for your work and engagement! I have already uploaded several videos and do my best to make DTube widely known in Germany.

Yes, that is true. He helps also in the Sign Up process if needed in german language.

Thx you very much. I wish you all the best with Dtube, I hope you get a real business out of it. You started alone, believed in it. Invested time and money. You deserve it to get the needed credits.. I never posted a single vid on Yout... but I used your service from day 1..

25% is a lot, I earn few cents from my video, it will be nothing, and how you take those 25% if you have just the posting password ? you said in the beggining that you can't transfer money using our posting key, please explain !

so dtube don't take those 25% automatically, it will take it just if we post on steemitwhales ?

Dtube is amazing project! I think it will boost the price of steem!

There are 10 pages