Dtube is breaking my heart. I want to participate on Steemit and Dtube is critical to that success. That being said, Dtube is not user friendly. I want to be a content creator, but I don't want to have to be an expert to participate. That may sound lazy, but I have a life. And if I have to spend an inordinate amount of time with the technical aspects of this site; I won't have anything to write about except the technical aspects of this site.
I load an .mov file and find out a couple days later it's not a compatible format. Fine let me delete that video. Oh wait, after a certain amount of time you can't delete a Dtube post.
Now I try to upload an .mpeg file. I spend an hour writing a corresponding Steemit post with tags and references with links. I click to upload and error and lose an hour's work.
I know this is new. I'm trying to be patient and I'm not crapping on this site. But you can't fix a problem you don't know exists. I will give this a few more tries, but I'm not enjoying the experience right now.
Good luck...
Thanks. It's frustrating.