Just because a person is AGAINST one political parasite, does NOT mean he is FOR another. The political game is getting old...VERY old. And if you're still caught up in it...perhaps you should remove yourself from the loop of insanity and take a good look at what's REALLY going on here! Also, just because it looks like CNN, MSNBC...et al, are against Trump....just because they make him look like an "outsider" or "anti-establishment" doesn't mean he is. A good look at his actions reveals his true nature.
IN short - NEWS FLASH: Politicians (ALL of them) are LIARS!
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I think in the next decade voter turn out's will dwindle as people will come to realize electing either side will yield the same result .
Great Video!
That's why I'm libertarian. Good topic!
Left wing - right wing. Both attached to the same plane goin to the same destination. Great work and great video.
It is high time the masses wake the hell up. Great job as usual. Thanks man.
It is so easy to divide people into these two categories. Because the core values of both parties, when compined, turn into the values of a normal human being.
Democrats- community, fairness, safety nets, embracing of all people
Republicans- less/no government, self reliance, self sufficiency, power to us
Amen! Thanks for doing these videos. I always wanna show them to my liberal friends but they get so offensive when democrats are put in a bad light. Maybe one of these days you'll do a video that starts with attacking Trump and then go into the democrats? Maybe then they'll be able to listen ;-)
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