"No one controls the world?" Explain how you arrived at that conclusion.
"Human interaction is a chaotic system" It CAN be. But the human interaction in my household is very peaceful and orderly. How about yours?
"governments are insane" Untrue. "governments (that is the LEGITIMATE RIGHT to RULE others who don't want to be ruled) don't even exist...so, it is IMPOSSIBLE for something that doesn't exist to be "insane." Those who call themselves "agents" of government are surly insane thought.
"Just because you WANT someone to be in control." Show me where I have said that.
"Just because you want someone to blame" show me where I said that.
monkeysphere defines the boundries as delineated by Dunbar's Number which if exceeded leads to Rat Utopia
You see it all around you..the Iron Law will not be denied.
If people stay within the envelope, the parameters of which are defined by Dunbar's number...they do much better..they don't tend to be too bad. In fact it works out pretty well (your family and mine)...however when the limits of the envelope is pushed...things get crazy. You see it all around you, read the news
You don't think governments are insane? Governments fight wars (and lots of other bad stuff) how is that not CRAZY?
"Just because you WANT someone to be in control." Show me where I have said that.
"Just because you want someone to blame" show me where I said that.
I said that.
You're welcome.
everitt, just to be clear, because I truly want to understand your view. Your position is that the talking monkey is alone on this planet and that there are no other 'actors' involved in the shenanigans on this planet; that we are, how shall I say--nothing more than frisky dirt in a rather indiffrent, uncaring, dead universe? Is that correct? Is this the worldview you analyze life by? Fine by me if it is, but I'd just like to be sure.
If you mean aliens why not just come out and say so?
Nope...I've seen no convincing evidenced to convince me that aliens exist...
..or gods..
I don't think you've exhausted the possibilities. In my 'The Nephilim Didn't Fool Me' post on my website I suggested that we are the Gods!
I'll link a detailed post on The Rainbow Body that is the one true reality of Buddhist ontology.
It would mean everything you're saying about the chaos of evolution is true, but that there are those who have transcended these carnal bodies...IF there were any truth to this it would mean that there are those of US who are guiding us along the path. These are known as Bodhisattva's....
Not saying it's so, but I think all possibilities should be considered.
This would mean there are no aliens and no God...Just us and unexplained (or acknowledged) evolutionary processes. http://www.integralworld.net/powers5.html
It appears as though you didn't read my reply to you.
I certainly did and I replied complete with links to back up my asertions...did YOU read them?
Please refer to your assertion that a particular fictional entity can be "insane".