If you are following me I posted a blog about the death of my father. To tell you honestly, after he died the expenses of the family doesn't stop there.
In Japan, funerals and the related ceremonies are known to be quite costly.
Typically, a funeral runs from 2-3 million yen in Japan. According to a 2008 study by the Japan Consumers' Association, the average cost is around 2 million yen, which includes about 400,000 yen for catering to attendants and 550,000 yen for the services of a Buddhist monk.
If you cannot play the video, you can watch from here.
This is Yagoto where my family burial plot located.
Yagoto Cemetery (Japanese: 八事霊園, Yagoto Reien) is one of the largest cemeteries in Nagoya, central Japan. It is located in the neighbourhood of Yagoto.
Luckily my great grand mother already provided a burial plot for the whole Yamagishi Family but if you are planning to purchase a plot in Japan be prepare to shell out some serious money.
According to the Japan Times' Yen For Living blog, Tokyo's famous Aoyama Cemetery charges between 4.8 million and 10 million yen per plot, while the average cost at Yanaka Cemetery, a site holding the ashes of some of Japan's most famous historical figures, is about 3 million yen.
Source: Japan Times' Yen For Living blog
However, bargains are available if you look around; smaller plots at less popular sites can be found for less than one million yen. All cemeteries also charge annual maintenance fees of about 4,000 to 12,000 yen per plot, according to the Japan Times.
Because of the rapidly aging population, there are plans to construct a second crematorium, which has met local opposition
The relatives that visit the cemetery are the ones who typically clean the grave. They bring with them a bucket and a dipper, and pour water in order to wash the body of the family gravestone as shown here.
They also bring gardening tools to tend to weeds and dispose of grasses that have grown on and next to the grave. If they are not brought from home, a bucket and dipper can usually be borrowed from the flower shops just outside the cemetery, and are returned after use.
Both incense and flowers are used as an offertory. Incense has been an important part of Japanese culture and is being used in a variety of settings, including this one. There is a special stand for both the incense and flowers on the front of every gravestone. The family puts the flowers inside and then places the lighted bundle of incense in its stand. They could either bring both flowers and incense, or buy them from the flower shops. In some instances, the family also brings food to offer. In that case they also bring it back home afterwards in order to prevent crows from gathering at the graveyard.
When the family is done with cleaning and offering, they now offer their prayers. All members of the family put both hands together and pray to their ancestors and say their thanks to them as well.
Some families also bring an Ojuzu (Buddhist prayer beads) with them, which they wrap around their hands while they pray.
But I am a Christian and dead people are forbidden by God of Israel to be prayed according to Deuteronomy 18:11-13 and I want to read.
Deuteronomy 18
English Standard Version (ESV)
10 There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer 11 or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, 12 for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you.
Also, I really do love Ramen!🍲😁
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Regular cleaning of graveyard is a welcome developments as it keeps everywhere neat and tiding
But it is also good to have a family graveyard
It earns one a diplomatic respect
Thanks for sharing this @Hiroyamagishi
I would love to visit Japan one day. Japanese culture really fasanates me. Also the society is very respectful!
while I travel a lot of place still Japan is best I have been so far
I haven’t traveled abroad before, but my favorite place in The USA is where I live, Monterey. Hopefully I can get out of my country to visit the world one day!
Dtube how to work
The best
This post really got me interested. Dear, I'm not lying when I say I love your culture (Japan's culture).