[How To DTube] A Simple Guide To Follow For All DTube Beginners!

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)


To Become A DTuber Has Never Been Easier!

DTube is fantastic and very user-friendly and easy to understand. But for those of you who've never done anything similar to this it might be unknown territory. And that is why I've decided to upload this short and straight to the point video. In this easy to follow guide, which includes both video, screenshots and text, I'll take you by the hand and show you the exact steps to upload your first DTube video.

STEP 1: - Login To Your Account



Enter Your Steemit Username & Your Private Posting Key


Step 2: Upload Your Video





Step 3: Enter Your Details



Step 4: Submit & You're Done!

Now You're On DTube!!

You can also editedit.png and make the necessary edits. any of your @dtube posts, directly from Steemit, like you would with any other article. Just press the edit button:

Good Luck!

▶️ DTube

Great guide! Something really worth saving and go back to when it's time to make the first Dtube posts :)

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! :)

Awesome idea for a post, I think the last step is very important to know, as I had no idea you can actually edit the post on steemit afterwards to make it look better :P

Thank you. As I've been using Dtube a lot lately, I almost felt obligated to make a tutorial on it actually. :)

Thanks guy. Now I know how to upload videos. I haven't thought it is so simple.

You're welcome! :)

great illustrations on this post, great step by step guide, dtube is on my list of next things to do with Steem.

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it and I wish you the best of luck using @dtube! :)

I really thought it use to be difficult

It's very easy and now, with this guide, it's even easier! :)

How about uploading a video from YT to be on DTube?

I don't think it's possible to upload a YouTube video directly to DTube, so the process would be the same.

You first need the video on your computer. The next step is to upload it to DTube.

If you're looking for a way to download YT videos, I would suggest something like:

That allows you to download YT videos in both audio and/or video formats.

I know how to download but looking for a way to upload from YT. Folks are trying to move to DTube from YT.

I see. So you're basically trying to find a solution to move YT videos from YouTube to DTube. Well, that's probably more or less impossible for now, as @dtube doesn't support multiple uploads at the same time.

I did request a feature to upload multiple video files, or videos in parts, but I think we'll have to wait for something like that. Until such a feature comes along, we'll have to upload videos one by one.

They might be able to come up with a cool solution to move an entire YT channel's videos to DTube instead, but I don't think that's likely. Manual uploads, one by one, is probably the only option for now at least.

As it stands right now unless they have the video on their home computer they can't upload to DTube.

thanks for the video !

thanks for the video !