An Unorthodox Role

Everything has just seemed to start to come together in my life. I had been searching since I was in college for some idea of what I was created to do in life. An experiment here and there and I had still not figured it out. But now there is a major convergence of energy that I just cannot gloss over.
My overall health is better than it has been since my burnout due to me being actively involved in my own recovery. I get to take care of my little girl, I get to focus on creating, and more importantly I am using my gifts of faith and encouragement to turn the world on it's head.
I am doing this all while taking on a role that has been misunderstood by many; the role of the stay at home dad or the work from home dad as some put it. Now I only use the term "stay at home dad" because it is a familiar concept. To some that role does not get looked at in an honorable way. It is due to the various reasons or beliefs regarding the role of men in the family structure. Which I find weird since historically men normally did work around the house to make a living and be there for their families.

What I Do As A Stay At Home Dad
- Feed my daughter about 3-5 times throughout the day until my wife comes home
- Change diapers
- Take my daughter on a walk outside to get some fresh air
- Do laundry (not everyday but this still has to be done at some point throughout the week)
- Spend time laughing, playing and bonding together
- Reply to comments on Steemit while my daughter is sleep or create videos on our walks
- Try to find some me time just to get a break (I try to give her to my parents while I get some time to myself)
So as you can see this is typically how I spend my days until my wife gets home. But at this point I have gotten used to this way of doing things. I do try to mix it up here and there so it doesn't become too monotonous. I embrace my role and I am feeling so much better than I have been not only in the previous months but also in the previous few years. This is simply because I am living in the flow of life and embracing who I am all while being able to focus on all the things I really care about or enjoy. Living an unorthodox life doesn't scare me and I want to show my little girl that I am happy to be her father while doing so.
Are You A Stay At Home Dad?
Do You Think You Would Be Able To Handle A Role Like This?
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After all it's family! Hat off bro, what you said, this is what we all looking for! I am going to the job early morning! My 3 years son is awaiting at home in evening to see me. Then he is not leaving me and not giving me a chance to do steemit also! But after all it's our true life! They need our love, yeah not much like you do, but i also handling the same role!@humanearl,
I know people's work situations can keep them from family. It's good that we take advantage of the time we do have to spend it with them and enjoy it. Man I know how it feels to have your little one not want to let you go. Haha!
Your daughter is so cure in deed and you are a nicest father and I am feel so haapy when you write the lists what you do and how you take care of your daughter on day to day basis and that is the real bond you are establishing with your daughter.
May god bless both of you. Thank you.
Thanks for the compliment. Much appreciated.
I know there are some fathers who are not in their children's lives for various reasons.
This is really true...dues to extra busy and hectic shcedule, now a days parents are not taking care of their kids and this is really a matter of concern.
At the same time peopel like you set an example for the yound generation that how can be a good father, while managing other daily activity, you are spending some quality time with your kid. You a daughter and you both are lucky to each other in this companion.
Thank you...steem on and stay blissful...
Glad you are here @sthitaprajna I am so happy I get to be with her and watch here grow up.
I know that there are people for whom the role of the father does not seem very difficult.
I did not happen to be in this situation, but I can tell from my own experience (I had a similar experience) that to be at home everyday and to help the child with this valuable work. What you describe takes time and takes strength, but it's noble to look after your daughter. Few fathers devote so much time to their own children. Therefore, your girl will love you and remember everything that you do for her. This definitely creates a special relationship.
But if you add to all this and then how much time you give that would answer all the comments and create content for steemit, then yes it should be hard.
It's hard work but I am actually getting the hang of it now.
You are not only nice human being but also a very very caring father, I am really happy to see you perform this role and my all the best wishes are there for you, your daughter and your entire family.
Let me tell you that these are the moment which you will remember and feel sense of content when you grow older.
Thank you @humanearl and have a great day.
I hope to reflect on these days as time passes It'll be more than worth it.
I'm a business owner who works from home, but my kids are 14 and 18 (boys), both in school (1 in college now). That isn't the same as the things you are now doing to take care of your daughter and family, but I do understand some of the tasks of being home all the time. Working in the home is a whole other adventure. #1 is the refrigerator is right next room over and that temptation to eat all the time is a real thing, haha. I've now learned to curb that, but for me, my morning routine has been the one thing that really helps me. It helps establish what my mindset will be for the day, and whether I decide to respond or react. Because you see those are two completely different approaches. I choose each day to respond to my items of the day, and not react.
I greatly respect your role of taking care of your daughter. You will never regret that time you spend together. And she will never forget that time. Being a father IS one the most important jobs you can have so keep up the great work my friend. God Bless.
Haha. It's interesting you have a morning routine. My wife does the same. She says it helps to get into the flow of the day.
What is the difference between react and response?
Yeah I made a short video yesterday about my morning routine.
React is pride, ego, and usually defensive of self. Our emotions take the central role and control. It may include passion, which is not a bad thing, but we want our passion centered on our purpose.
Respond is a more measured, thoughtful, and reasoned Godly interaction which helps to remove "me" from the interaction. It's more about beliefs and purpose. More defined deep inside me and will help change the direction of my interaction with the situation.
Thanks for asking man.
Adorable! Doing a great job it's so lovely seeing stay at home Dad's! What a joy for you and your daughter. It is so not easy sometimes, i was at home with mine for 5 years as a solo stay at home Mum, you learn ways to juggle & fit things in and become pretty good at it ;) I really think it's lovely. It would be so nice if more Mum's & Dad's had the opportunity to stay home with their little ones if they wish. Steemit makes it a little easier to do! And never mind what anyone else thinks, your daughter's opinion is the only one that matters, and she looks pretty impressed with you.
I think family relationships would better if parents were able to spend more time with their kids. And yes you are right. Steemit makes it very possible to do it.
it is difficult for me to answer the main question, because my age is still small and I do not have my own children.
But looking at the list of your daily affairs, I can say with confidence that this is difficult. But the fact that you spend time with your daughter is priceless. And in a short time this will definitely bring its positive results.
In addition to everything, you spend a lot of time on steemit, and it's commendable. May God give you strength so that you can all keep up.
I think that I could be a good father for my child, but it's still too early for me.
It is a big responsibility but no worries. Thanks for the encouragement man. There's a time for everything. Your time will come some day.
What a gift to spend these days with your daughter. I for many complicated and many bad personal choices have been absent from my 2 boys lives for a few years now. At least physically, i still constantly talk with them, and now that I am healing from depression and addiction through the grace of God I am planning on finally movibg back to Cali to be present with my 8 and 10 year old boys.
Our children truly are a gift, and you have been blessed with a time in life to feed your daughter with more then physical food, but with the fruit of the Spirit....Thanks for sharing and you are a great example to men across the world, blessings brother🙏
I can't imagine the pain of being separated from my daughter. You will be in my prayers man. Depression and addiction is no joke and many people honestly struggle with it. To reconnect with your sons will be a very joy filled day I bet.
I know you will do well to walk with your sons and show them the light. You past problems will make you much stronger and God will use that to bless others. take care of yourself brother. I'm here if you need to talk or anything.
Thanks bro I appreciate it! The future is bright and I cant wait to see what God has in store....
Your daughter is lucky to have a devoted Dad. You have been given an amazing opportunity, to see the world in a new way with each discovery your daughter makes. I remember being in awe of shear delight in my son's eyes when we lay on the grass watching the bugs scuttle on by or blades of grass swaying gently with the breeze.
Enjoy your time with her!
It's like she learns something new every week. I think she should be walking soon too.
Once she starts walking the real fun begins!
Stay home dad is one of the greatest job and achievement of all the daddy's in the world, My husband is also a stay home dad he do all the chores and giving care to our second baby while monitoring on our little business..
He told me that being with his son was one factor on how to build a strong relationship with your siblings. Though its hard but worth fullfiling. I salute all dads who are like you @humanearl!!!❤️
Wow. Thanks for sharing that photo. I am happy for your family. Thanks for this.
Very much thanks to you ,Godbless
You are an inspiration to so many. I know that each of your posts are going to be real and upbeat. Being a father is a blessing and you are doing a great job. Thank you.
I am thankful for your words. That encourages me alot.
Wow!! Your daughter is so adorable.
I like the fact that she gets to spend more time with you daily and establish that father-daughter which is one of the best feeling you can getting right now.
I'm so happy to know and see that you have a loving and wonderful family. It'll always get better and better.
I'll always pray for God's blessing and favour on your family.
Thanks for sharing your amazing story.
Remain blessed
It's challenging but I know it's worth it and I actually enjoy it.
Being a lady, and although am single, I don't have any issues with my to-be husband being a stay at home dad, especially if he is one who works from home. In this internet age, you don't have to go out of your house to earn a living, you can follow that right from your home. I like the name you called it ''work at home dad''. So keep it going @humanearl
Nowadays it's becoming more common of course. The fact that we can just make money without leaving the house is amazing.
Beautiful baby girl 😘
It's really a good thing you are attached to your baby girl.
It makes you her first love...i wish this for my kids when i get married. It's something i never experienced.
Hopefully you can be to them the model you didn't have. I wish you well. in the future,
Thank you
Your daughter is lucky to have her daddy bond so closely with her during these years. Cherish it.. The time flies so fast. It still seems like yesterday I had my 4 year old daughter promise me she'd always let me carry her around. She's 17 years old next Wednesday - I CAN BARELY lift her 20 meters on my back today, but she still jumps on for the heck of it.
That's so funny. I bet it seems crazy to you that she was just 4 years old and now almost an adult.
@humanearl - Sir every wife needs to be lucky to have a husband like you do & Every child need to be have a father like you do too Sir... God bless you & your family too Sir...
It's a gift I am very thankful to have. I don't deserve it.
That is indeed great buddy ,you are indeed a lucky person to get to spend quality time with your daughter and she is also looking out for you ,I do am sure the feeling is magical !This memories will be there for you always buddy !
It does feel very good to be in her life. It's a gift.
It is good to be different. A stay at home dad is good because you look over your daughter. You are literally helping out a soul.
I don't mind doing it at all. I enjoy it. I know there are some who would say it's not a good thing but I don't let that worry me.
Yes. Dont let anyones judgement be a factor of what you want and dont want to do in life.
The way you talk about your daughter gives me joy. Keep being a good father.
Same here, this was a nice read.
Much love man. I love her very much and enjoy the time I spend with her.
Wonderful video I am freelance dad so I spend a lot of time with my 3 kids too can relate to you brother keep up the good videos
Ahh cool. Glad we can relate. It must be harder for you since you have 3 to look after.
In some ways yes but thank god I have two boys that’s in their teens and 3 year girl I really enjoyed all your content bro go to catch up on all of them
sharing those little moments you will cherish them for life ...these are the moments very few people got to have :)
Thanks for that. She is growing fast. I was just thinking the other day "What will she be like when she is 5 years old?" Time goes fast.
You do every single task being there and most importantly take care you are the best dad's out here on steemit :)
It's tough but I do my best.
you seem to be really handling your role well ...and daughter are always precious and spending time with them will make you feel amazing
I am now getting the hang of it but at first it was a rough adjustment.
Wow.Your life is really awesome.Your daughter looking so cute.I pray you enjoy your life everyday everytime with your family.
Thanks for sharing @humanearl
Haha. thanks.
I like your work
so cool dtube video, thanks.
So sweet Dad. :)
I miss now my father because of this video ..
Thanks brother for sharing a good information for us..
What a gift to spend these days with your daughter. I for many complicated and many bad personal choices have been absent from my 2 boys lives for a few years now. At least physically, i still constantly talk with them, and now that I am healing from depression and addiction through the grace of God I am planning on finally movibg back to Cali to be present with my 8 and 10 year old boys.
Our children truly are a gift, and you have been blessed with a time in life to feed your daughter with more then physical food, but with the fruit of the Spirit....Thanks for sharing and you are a great example to men across the world, blessings brother🙏
people just keeps wondering don't ever give a single thought about them until you feel you are right you are correct...