My Suggestions:
- Categories
- Sharing Button
- Age/Child Contentprotection (hidden or blocked by default)
- Short-URL: (instead of )
- Copyright: 1-90% of earned Steems should go to the copyright owner(s) instead of uploader (Reportfeature: This is my video and/or contains copyrighted content like music/video/pictures)
- Field(s) for Copyright-Owner(s) and/or Actors/Singer etc. (as far as known) - If you are for example a producer of a video and own 100% of the copyright the one should get at least 90% upvoted Steems (in my opinion). If a video contains copyrighted music/pictures, the author should be mentioned and should get upvotes (or percentage of the total amount of upvotes) too - not only the uploader...
Bad/Illegal content: If a video gets 99% downvotes during first days it will be placed in a hidden pool of videos which the community can verify before the video is going public again. Or something like that...