My Journey From Youtube To D Tube / Steemit And Analysis On These Platforms

in #dtube7 years ago

And now I want to talk about D Tube / steemit versus YouTube. That is my main topic for today and so I've been a youtuber for quite a long time. I started being more active on it in November of 2013 and with my cooking show for those of you follow me. You know that I have a cooking show on YouTube and also I do the cooking show here on D 2 and I'm gonna specifically talk about earning money and how you earn money on each platform and which I recommend for quicker or higher earnings and so with YouTube for those of you who are not familiar. I want to lay out or share with you how you earn money on YouTube.

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Now there are a lot of ways to earn money on YouTube. I'm going to specifically talk about the Adsense, earning money with Google Adsense. So, first of all, in order to earn money with Adsense, you need to have your account, have four thousand hours of watch time within a year and you need to have at least one thousand subscribers on your channel.

Now they just recently changed this rule before you just needed 10,000 views total. So, a lot of people were angry with this because there's a lot of small channels that lost their monetization status. My channel lost its monetization status and I was a little bit angry because I was making like 20-25 extra dollars a month with that little channel and but that's okay. I mean, YouTube can do what they want. I understand why they did it. They're trying to really promote good content I guess.

So, normally what you do is, if you once meet the threshold and your account becomes monetized which could take quite a long time to get to that point, what you do is, sign up with an adsense account. There's a thing called CPM and CPM is the amount that you're making per thousand. And it's also so when you have a company. Let's say, Nike, they have a new commercial on their a new shoe that they are promoting. They'll contact Google and they'll say, "hey we want you to promote this on your platform in front of people's videos." Then they say, "ok well, what are you willing to pay per thousand impressions?" So that's CPM and the same Nike comes back and say, "we're willing to pay $10 per thousand impressions." Google say, "ok." So what happens next is, on your channel, if that video plays on your channel and you get a thousand impressions. What is an impression? An impression is, if viewers watch the whole commercial or if the commercial is longer than 30 seconds, they watch at least 30 seconds of it and they don't skip it or if there's a little banner ad and they click on it or if they actually click on the commercial and it takes them to the Nike side or whatever whoever it is that is promoting it, that counts as one monetized impression. So, you need a thousand of those on your channel to get that CPM. My average CPM on my cooking channel is right around like four and a half dollars, $5 and then what happens is Google or YouTube, they take 40% of that. Let's make it more simple, they generally say for every 1000 views on a video you get $1. My average is a little bit higher right around $2, two and a half dollars for every thousand views and I've been doing it for a while. If some of your videos are more popular, your CPM will be higher for that particular video because advertisers want to have their ads on the popular videos. If that makes sense, then okay.

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There you go. The cool thing about YouTube is, once it's monetize your videos, you earn on it pretty much forever as long as the system exists. My top video has made over 2500 dollars since its existence. Isn't that awesome! over 2500 dollars on it! But it's taking a long time to get there. It's taking that video like three years old or something like that but it's still making money. Now it's making about close to 100 bucks a month.

Other ways youtubers make money is they do affiliate links. Where you know they have like Amazon, Prime affiliate links that's something I do as well. Like if I'm talking about a specific kitchen gadget or kitchen tool, I'll usually have a link down below and Amazon affiliate link where the user can click on that and buy the product if they want and it doesn't cost the user, the viewer any more money to go that route. It's really cool. I make it a little bit. I don't make that much on my Amazon affiliate links. There're other people that make quite a bit. I have a friend who makes about two thousand dollars a month just on Amazon affiliate links. A lot of high youtube earners make a lot of money. The Adsense way is the lowest way that they earn money the affiliate links they they earn more that way sponsors.

I've had a couple of sponsors that sponsored me and a product review video which was really cool. I made like a hundred bucks for the video and it was fun and it was really neat to have someone to pay me to talk about their product. It was really cool so that's one way that youtubers make money, other ways is just by generating traffic to their website. You know if you get more people to your website and on that website is where you sell your products then that's a very beneficial.

There's also a lot of other ways to make money on YouTube. There you go, I've kind of outlined the basic ways that you make money on YouTube. Now let's go to D tube and steemit. Steemit is an amazing social media platform where you earn money on your posts and on your comments that you make. Let's discuss how does it work? When you invest in steem or if you earn money and you invest in your voting power on steem then anytime you vote on somebody that gives that person a certain amount of money, you know a couple cents 10 cents, 5 cents, 1 cent. It could be up to 20 dollars, whatever it is and then that person, after seven days, gets paid out on that. Also if you make a comment on somebody and someone upvotes your comment, you get a small portion of money that way and also when you're commenting on things as the creation happens, then you get a certain percentage of your upvote back to you. So, that's another way to earn money. Isn't it really cool! I'm not gonna go into all the specifics exactly how everything works with the curation and what not but that's kind of the basics on how you earn money on steemit and D tube by making content, by commenting on people's posts and when they like your comment they'll upvote your comment as well. As you grow with friendships and as your account grows, it's a snowball effect where you start earning more and more money.

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So, really neat and one thing though is you only earn on the first seven days which is something I wish would change. If it was an evergreen thing kind of like YouTube, I think we could bring a lot more youtubers over. If we had an evergreen system with the earnings on Steemit and D tube. I don't know all the technicalities on if you can do that or not but that would be really good to see. I'm not complaining by any means, I'm not complaining at all. I really love it here on D tube and steemit but that would be something that I think would be neat improve if we want this to get bigger. If we want YouTube and steemit to get any even bigger with that said though. If you're just starting off doing vlogs and doing videos and doing posts, I think you can earn a lot more money quicker here on D tube and steemit versus YouTube. Now it's just the way that this platform works. You can earn a lot more money. You can earn a lot quicker I think here. You definitely have to be consistent though to earn big money. Just like with YouTube you need to be consistent here on steemit but the potential is greater here on YouTube and steemit to earn more money.

Here's the thing, do you have to do one or the other? No you definitely don't. There's plenty of people here that only make videos on YouTube and then they post that video here on Steemit. Really awesome! Merging best of both worlds and then when there are videos, when they want to get to the point on YouTube, they can monetize those videos as well and then you're double-dipping and there's nothing wrong with that. I like to upload here on D Tube and I like to brand them you know if when I can specifically for D Tube just because that's what I like to do and I may or may not post that same video on YouTube. It just all depends but there's nothing wrong with doing both and I really encourage you if you're starting out to do both because it over just really help you grow faster.

So, there you go. I've rambled on and I'm gonna hope, you got the bottom line today. Take care until next time. Give me your feedback in the form of comments below, upvote and / or resteem this post.