in #dtube5 years ago

As it becomes clear the Chinese government has covered up the true extent of the Wuhan coronavirus--as they did with ASF--"experts" are blaming climate change for the virus spreading, and pinning meat as the source. Studies link viral mutagenesis to solar minima. Though the crisis is nascent, already meat is being blamed.






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Sunspot Cycle Minima and Pandemics: The Case for Vigilance?

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Christian, you didn't mention it, so you may not know. In Wuhan is one of the few BFL-4 biohazard labs in the world, a government facility to study extraordinary pathogens. Additional information you may find useful to know is that in November 2019 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in concert with Johns Hopkins (infamous for deliberately running studies infecting civilians in the US and Central America with syphilis and other STDs without their knowledge, to the death, more than once) staged a Coronavirus Pandemic simulation, and Pirbright, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, was awarded a patent regarding Coronavirus.

I have just heard this from @theouterlight, and have not verified nor researched this information further, but given that if the Chinese government is responsible for releasing this pandemic, either accidentally or otherwise, it is likely that information will quickly be censored, I thought it important to let you know asap.


Coronavirus is the class of virus vector that includes the Spanish flu. Simulations involving coronavirus epidemic would be an expected part of public health policy consideration. Unsubstantiated accusations and defamation regarding a charity foundation that has funded numerous medical initiatives and vaccination programs in the less developed areas of the planet only contributes to the toxic sentiment that pollutes public discourse. A medical research lab in one of the major cities of China is not some proof of paranoid conspiracy delusion, but expected infrastructure investment. Wuhan has 18 million souls living in that city; the population of major Western cities are mere statistical error, when compared with the populations of Chinese cities. Of course, many social infrastructure will exist in these cities, including medical research labs.

Hopefully, the Chinese infrastructure investment in surveillance and enforcement will help contain this epidemic. It would be interesting to study the effectiveness of social surveillance on quarantine enforcement and epidemic containment. The World Health Organisation should consider social surveillance infrastructure as one of the critical tools in epidemic containment and develop appropriate advisory guidelines for other developed countries.

"Unsubstantiated accusations and defamation regarding a charity foundation that has funded numerous medical initiatives and vaccination programs in the less developed areas of the planet only contributes to the toxic sentiment that pollutes public discourse."

You're not wrong, which is why I did not accuse anyone of anything. It is not an accusation to note that a biological warfare lab is in a city whence a pandemic issues. It is evidence, however. Neither did I accuse the foundation or Johns Hopkins, despite Johns Hopkins prior crimes against humanity spreading virulent infectious diseases deliberately to innocent civilians that did not know they were being existentially injured, but noting the pandemic study that was conducted just prior to that exact pandemic beginning is evidence, and damn suspicious.

Suspecting criminals of crimes is not defamatory. Suspicion naturally inures to others that associate with criminals, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has itself been guilty of injuring people with bad vaccines. I recall more than a dozen dead that resulted from the last incident.

It is facile to expect folks to believe that the kind of lab in Wuhan is just a medical research facility. It's almost certainly a biological warfare development center, and good, honest folks can but hope at this point that an accident at the lab, or worse, is not the source of the developing pandemic.

As to the utility of surveillance and enforcement in quarantining, again, you aren't wrong. However, preventing infectious disease is not why China has undertaken those efforts, and it better be the only reason any other adopters of such draconian social control undertake it. All too often corrupt and despotic governments like China claim to be doing something for good reasons when in fact they're just corrupt and despotic.


I did not accuse anyone of anything.

Your entire reply is unsubstantiated accusation after another.

It is not an accusation to note that a biological warfare lab is in a city whence a pandemic issues.

Wuhan medical research centre is a biological warfare lab? Where is your evidence for such claims?

Neither did I accuse the foundation or Johns Hopkins, despite Johns Hopkins prior crimes against humanity spreading virulent infectious diseases deliberately to innocent civilians

You are maligning a respected research university with the above drivel. What "crimes against humanity" did the Gates foundation and John's Hopkins university commit other than providing necessary vaccinations and medical services to the marginalised and impoverished? What evidence exists for such ludicrous claims?

Suspecting criminals of crimes is not defamatory.

You've already determined who the criminals are without evidence providing your unsubstantiated defamation as "evidence" or "suspicion" of their behavior. Sane men do not consider delusional paranoia of conspiracy idiots like Alex Jones as evidence of anything other than signs of an unhealthy mind.

State surveillance that assist the police force in deterring crime, enforcing laws, and maintaining safety of the public are "despotic" and "corrupt?" Do you also consider the police force as tyrants and the judicial courts as despotic? Most civilised societies have adopted modern surveillance technology to assist in law enforcement. This epidemic gives further evidence that surveillance infrastructure has multiple benefits for societies from law enforcement to epidemic control. It is an infrastructure program that is well worth its money.

It is disinformation like the ones you've written above that destabilises current society by leading the gullible to distrust their betters and their sociopolitical apparatus. The pornographic level of information deluge have unhinged many in society to become mental. The Flat Earthers, the Anti-vaxxers, the millions of disciples of Alex Jones are signs of a dying society, drunk on too much information and freedom. When unsubstantiated ramblings of the idiotic and the paranoid are held in equal esteem as those of experts and scientists, the society will inevitably devolve into anarchy. It seems that information censorship lies at the foundation of any civilised social construct.


Learn your 5 Biological Laws (Dr. Hamer) and overstand that the
infection is the information reachin your perception, that your body is reactin' to...
That said, please watch out what "information" you are spreading....
"galactic viruses"???
No doubt,the "Kabal" makin' their depopulation moves, but knowledge is power, you know. I am healthy as a bear since since 10 years, and just in case they spreading whatever physically...i still got my 100% pure gum turpentine ;)
Do your homework, folks ;)