Hello @dtube and @steem blockchain citizens. In this video i try to figure you how to achieve and discover your passion and also how you can live with it.
In this world, so advanced technologically speaking, and globalizated it is really posible to learn things, and practices in all parts of the world. For that reasson information and knowledge is absolutely huge nowadays we have to train ourself to be disciplinated with our dreams anda passions and we would achieve amazing things.
I hope my friends can watch this video wich i am proud of it @nathanmars @yogaworld @prettynicevideo @madushanka
Thank you really a lot for your time and for watching this piece of my experience.
The cripto yogui @ignacioarreses
▶️ DTube
Our families tend to not understand us when it's something different. Did you ever have them do it with you? Great video. I think my passion our my kids. They are what hold my decisions. Etc. Much luv
Really good video again! Following your passion is very important. I think every person has a special mission here on earth. But most people didn´t know what´s their passion and what they could do.
In my yoga practice I made the same experience. Family and friends gave me not much support. They think Yoga is a little bit stretching and nothing more.
Have a nice day! Namaste!
Love to you and shanti to your day, and yoga practice !
Santosha !
Yoga is 24 hours 7 seven days a week !