Dtube Good Bad and Ugly

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

The Good

Dtube is fucking great idea. The fact that you can say whatever the fuck you want to say is fucking awesome. I'm sure many of you would like to tell YouTube censorship to go fuck themselves. Trust me I'm very aware of the gratuitous use of explicit language. That's what I love about Dtube, no pansy moderator can censor what I say. I have freedom of speech. Freedom of expression. Up vote, down vote, who fucking cares. I can let it all out. Those estrogen filled pansies on YourCensoredTube don't have a clue how valuable free speech is. Dtube is an international platform of inalienable rights for content creators.

Your Money is No Good Here

Yes ladies and gents, it's a prison planet if you allow yourself to be herded into that mindset where money is the economic prison you live in. That's how the bankers stole the United States from a free people willing to kill for freedom. Today, they're referred to as terrorists. The jumpy three letter agencies get their panties in a twist of just the mere mention of change.

That's where blockchain comes in. YouTube lets advertisers censor free speech. Ever wonder why buying up all the major newspapers in the country helped political sellouts get elected? Simple, you tell people what to believe. Idiots are trained from birth in government indoctrination camps called "public education" to stay within the lines, follow direction, do as you are told, learn and regurgitate information, be a human automaton. Well, the New World Order leverage is no good here. Redefine money and you take their power away from the ruling class.

When people can earn and transact in alternative currency, which government didn't create, doesn't own, or can manipulate, people are free to express themselves and benefit from the fruits of their labor. Released from the shackles of an economic system thoroughly corrupted by legal tender.

Dtube is about freedom and profit. Unfortunately the powers that be don't fight fair, and neither should Dtube. Given Dtube doesn't censor, that will help growth.

The Bad

Dtube is slow, buggy, and things grind to a halt with IPFS errors galore. IPFS errors may be the death of Dtube. Or perhaps the the lack of an app on Android or IOS.

The Ugly

If Dtube follows the same business model as YouTube. This experiment will end up a failure.

In conclusion Dtube needs an economy, freedom of "money" is a fragile thing. Governments know that, and so they hire one man to kill another in the name of "justice". Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a wonderful read. Alex Jones is great at exposing the New World Order, but the corrupt playbook is rather worn, and outdated. The pattern is all to clear. I hope Dtube gets past it's limitations and grows up to be more a creative commons then corporate lap dog.

The problem in the United States is that the Republic has been lost. Corporations own government. Government, since it produces nothing, and is dependent or corporations for everything, the parasite that it is, is beholden to corporations. YouTube is no different. YouTube will continue to bow to the machinations of advertisers and will continue to sell out its content creators on the belief that they are dependent on YouTube. This is not the case. The future is now. A new dawn begins. Blockchain is here there's no excuse to bow to corporate greed. Let the democratization of media and manufacturing herald in a new future for the world. This includes printed housing, printed products and independant media. The world is a platform for everyone, not only the elites, not only those approved by the elites, not only those who bow to corporate greed.