Useful tip for empaths on how to stop taking people's negative energy. In truth energy is non dual, so we don't "take on" peoples dense energy, we recreate it.
Blessings of Love
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Useful tip for empaths on how to stop taking people's negative energy. In truth energy is non dual, so we don't "take on" peoples dense energy, we recreate it.
Blessings of Love
Good points and very helpful video inesa. Thanks for sharing this way with us :)
P.S. you still don't have a dtube account? please go https://d.tube/onboarding
My own personal theory is there are generators, conduits and absorbers. Generators light up the room, absorbers drain the life from you and conduits can both absorb and generate in equal measure. It is the conduits who have to be careful not to lean too much one way or the other, else they will feel themselves empty.
Spiritually we can recharge from nature but with it hard to be close to nature in today's modern bondage it is increasingly difficult to fit the time or the space to just be with your own thoughts and reflect on the wider world.
Thanks Inesa. Glad you find time to see the Autumn fall and dying summer sun.