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RE: DTube - The YouTube Ρurge Is In Full Swing: Ρress For Τruth's Dan Dicks Receives Strike And Is Censored

in #dtube7 years ago

Google, Facebook and Youtube censoring content might not actually be a bad thing at this stage in the game, millions of people use these services to view content and seek knowledge. I myself have learnt a great deal over the years watching youtube videos that gave me access to information that I otherwise would have not had access to. These corporations have been bought and paid for and now regurgitate the same party line of faecal matter and propaganda, the fact they are now cracking down and censoring content shows how desperate they are that their models of information and intellect suppression are losing the battle. All those millions of users who rely on their services will seek out other means like steemit and dtube as the establishment, which these corporations are well and truly apart of now cannibalise themselves out of the market.


Let's hope so! Regrettably I am not so optimistic. Human nature shows that there are so many clueless dumb downed people out there who are more interested in what their friends on facebook are doing and saying and keeping up with the latest fashion than interested in the slightest in what is happening in the wider world.

The fact is that there are more of us than there are of the establishment. If everyone in the world truly woke up and decided to stand up against this tyranny, the system would be completely over turned and the so called elites of the world would be hanging from the nearest street light by lunch time today - that's the power that we have and of which they are totally terrified of.

Interesting point, I was going to touch on that issue in my comment but I am a little more optimistic on this position and I usually lean towards pessimism more often than not. I feel it is less human nature and more so mainstream indoctrination that leads to the dumbing down of people, true human nature is to seek and learn, discover and create, all of which is being frowned upon by the establishment who want good little obedient sheep to keep working and taxing.

All the free people, who have open eyes, who ask the questions and want to find the answers, will flow to the platforms that offer them the freedom to do this. The majority of intellect will flow to these platforms, steemit and co will have an influx of creativity and innovation. Facebook and youtube will have the market share of drones and sheep, who will continue to regurgitate and spew forth meaningless drivel until they realise their audience is shrinking and followers jumping ship.

More people are waking up every day and starting to ask questions and demand answers, it is inevitable as technology connects us like never before and wealth and income gaps are growing like never before. I haven't posted a link in a comment before so I don't know if this will work but here is something interesting about the number of new steemit users coming in to give you some hope.

Ok, I can agree with that. What I mean is that the way things are at the moment, people have been deceived and manipulated into behaving the way they do, and just like water flowing down hill, human nature follows the path of least resistance.

I certainly think the MSM has played a part in this, but it is the whole of Western culture that will need to change. From education, TV, materialism, relationships etc. People know that smoking and drinking and eating junk food is bad for the but for the most part people just keep on doing the same as they always had - some change and give up smoking or what not, but the majority don't. If people awaken from their slumber then yes I agree things will change - I just wonder if this current millennial generation will wake up en masse or if it will be the generation of tomorrow that will get it and be the ones?

It's an ever evolving process, I don't think a generation will wake up at once, millennials are waking, that is the way the current trend is going, the generation after them will be all the more awake as a result. It's hard to say what it really means in terms of actual real change because many can be awake but it is up to the state how they react, will they react like North Korea to keep the people in control or like the former Soviet Union and dismantle themselves to save a huge amount of slaughter and bloodshed?