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RE: Hey Steemit Economists: Trump Tax Plan is More Failed Trickle Down Economics

in #dtube7 years ago

I would like to see someone cite evidence that 'supply side' economics doesn't work. Everyone seems to forget the fact that it's the wealthy, and corporations that create jobs. Giving them a break to the expense of doing business allows for more investment in capital (which leads to job creation), research and development (which leads to job creation), and job training (which leads to higher wages). We are talking about letting people keep more of what they make, so naturally, those that make more will keep more. People at the bottom 2 fifths typically don't pay taxes, so I don't see where they would be getting to keep "more" of what they make - unless you're going to advocate for transferring someone else's wealth to them. Taking from person A, and giving to person B, only hurts person A. If person A is being penalized for their success, they are less likely to invest in future success, if that success is being redistributed to those that didn't earn it.


no no no, burden of proof. if you think that economic policies of supply side theory HAVE WORKED, then demonstrate that they have. this is like "prove that there is no god." If you claim there is, then prove it.