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RE: Brainwashed Billions

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

I won't argue against your argument that this recent stage of evolution has had its negative consequences. I fully agree that it has been more negative than positive (at one level of viewing it).

My point is that, for our evolution (as a species), it's likely good that we're going through this phase (one that is likely inevitable and can only be pushed down the road with great efforts to suspend what needs to happen), wherein our DARKSIDE is coming out into the open for us to more consciously explore, but, far more importantly, to overcome (gain control over).

Sometimes we have to go through painful mistakes to grow and while it may take many generations for the majority of people to not be swept away by their "Mr Hyde", I think we will collectively find a way to integrate the two pieces of our psyches (what we , or society, divide and label as "good" and "evil") so that we can operate as psychologically strong human beings, who aren't at the mercy of automated unconscious desires.

You have to realize that things usually have to get worse before they can get better, especially when it comes to psychological growth. This is true for us at the individual level and it's compounded many times over when whole societies are involved. Let's not fool ourselves into thinking that the 1950s were some kind of "golden age" that can never be surpassed by humanity. Things can get much better than they've ever been for humanity and its systems of society, but it's going to require some growing pains and a whole lot of looking at ourselves in the mirror and we're going to be left with no choice but to invite the venom in our eyes to that self-reflection if we're going to have any chance of peaking as a species, which is our only hope at a true golden age for humanity.


We have been through this phase multiple times in our history. Rome started as a group of people who decided build a system for the betterment of their society and grew into something monumental. At the end they suffered from the same debauchery we are seeing now and it destroyed their empire. Alexander The Great died from following the same path and his empire fell to ruin. I am not referring to the 1950s as any type of golden age but as a reference point as to how fast we are falling away from traditional values and going down the same path we have seen repeated throughout our history. This is not progress it is regressive.

I'm aware of the cycle and I agree, again at one level, that this is, as you said "not progress it is regressive". However, failure to not evolve to the next higher step of psychological evolution in past cycles is not indicative of present or future cycles, which (and you might disagree, here) are inevitably going to continue repeating until we learn the lessons and, only then, break the cycle. And the point in the cycle that we're most likely to break it is when it is "in our (collective) face(s)" and we cannot deny the utter ridiculousness and pettiness of our actions; thus, my previous comment about it usually requiring that things become worse before they can get better (than ever before).

As a whole, we're presently still relatively highly immature, compared to even where a lot of humans are in psychological development at this very moment, and their progress came without the reward of the widespread validation that would come with a "tipping point" event, wherein the majority are moving in the direction of, or have already accomplished, surmounting the mountainous obstacle (of "self-sabotage", to pin it down to the real culprit).

If the majority of humanity could manage to even match what the small percentage have already accomplished (probably less than 5%, currently), I'm sure we'd be at a sufficient level of maturity (of awareness) to stop us from following the same path that has been repeated seemingly forever up until this point.

As is always true with evolution, things are the same... until they no longer are.

Well the whole point of the video is to bring awareness to the fact that we are at the very tipping point you mentioned. It is unfortunate that most people are ignorant of the lessons of history and we seem doomed to continue repeating it.