Daniel chapter 7 - The little horn

in #dtube6 years ago

Video explaining the identity of the Little Horn of Daniel 7

The Fourth Beast: Rome
The Ten Horns: The 10 Tribes of Divided Rome

Description of the Little Horn:

  1. It's a little kingdom
  2. It comes up among 10 kingdoms
  3. It comes up after Rome is divided into 10 kingdoms
  4. It uproots 3 tribal kingdoms
  5. It's a diverse kingdom
  6. It has a man as it's figure head
  7. It blasphemes God
  8. It persecutes and makes war with the saints
  9. It thinks to change prophecy and law of God
  10. It will rule for time, times and half a time or (three and a half years) or (42 months) or (1260 days) because there are 30 days each month in the Hebrew Calendar and taking a day for a year principle found in Ezekiel 4:4-6 this equals 1260 years
    So the little horn will rule for 1260 YEARS.

Credit for images:

Music: Fall of the Solar King - Twin Musicom

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