Video explaining the identity of the Little Horn of Daniel 7
The Fourth Beast: Rome
The Ten Horns: The 10 Tribes of Divided Rome
Description of the Little Horn:
- It's a little kingdom
- It comes up among 10 kingdoms
- It comes up after Rome is divided into 10 kingdoms
- It uproots 3 tribal kingdoms
- It's a diverse kingdom
- It has a man as it's figure head
- It blasphemes God
- It persecutes and makes war with the saints
- It thinks to change prophecy and law of God
- It will rule for time, times and half a time or (three and a half years) or (42 months) or (1260 days) because there are 30 days each month in the Hebrew Calendar and taking a day for a year principle found in Ezekiel 4:4-6 this equals 1260 years
So the little horn will rule for 1260 YEARS.
Credit for images:
Music: Fall of the Solar King - Twin Musicom
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