[Good morning dtube] Lazy Saturday

in #dtube6 years ago

Good morning Dtube! 4/13

58EB0E9C-44DF-4872-B852-BD4692563939.jpegIt is a lazy Saturday today! Woke up early at 615am (forgot to off the alarm) and then went back to sleep again until 9am. Thank you @nathanmars and @iamjadeline for the good morning video. Future billionaire Nathanmars is going to dtube.forum next month, shouting for more people to meet him there! I really love jade’s sharing,thanks for telling us house messy is okay, as long as we are happy ! So today I am showing you the messy me! haven’t shower, without any makeup and not even comb my hair! The real me ! Hope my followers will not drop after this video!also showing you some drawing from my little boy!

第二天滴管说早安!其实今天一早六点钟就被闹钟吵醒。 说好了要去行山呢?慵懒星期六大家都不想起床那我也再睡回笼觉美容觉吧!起来已经九点了!懒得下楼吃就在家里随便煮了面当早餐!感谢小玉的视频,说家里乱是可以的,最重要一家人开心。那我今天就豁出去了把我最乱最难看没化妆没打扮没梳头发的我带给大家。希望不要掉粉!也给大家看看今天儿子画的画!他好爱画独角兽,小马宝莉还有公主!以后当个艺术家!


▶️ DTube

请支持他,给他投票,感谢!恭喜你!您的这篇文章入选 @justyy 今日 (2019-04-14) 榜单 , 回复本条评论24小时内领赏,点赞本评论将支持 @dailychina 并增加将来您的奖赏。 @justyy 是CN区的见证人,

【Good Posts】Congratulations! This post has been selected by @justyy as today's (2019-04-14) , Steem On! Reply to this message in 24 hours to get rewards. Upvote this comment to support the @dailychina and increase your future rewards! ^_^

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En mi país todavía es viernes 😂

Yes! I know . I can do either day or night now ! Good night to you!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Posted using Partiko iOS

还是有作弊用美颜相机啦 不然真的不行🙅
谢谢你啊 人家说像爸爸的

Posted using Partiko iOS


Posted using Partiko iOS

其实我是到黑斑超级严重每个人看到我都问我之后才开始保养!所以保养防嗮很重要!现在黑斑还是有的 所以好好保养不要越来越严重呢

Posted using Partiko iOS




吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~@softmetal 软哥 迎着海啸 骑着拖把 念着软哥金句:"你的愚蠢总是那么富有创造力。" 给您送来



Posted using Partiko iOS

You win!!!! 你赢了!我这新手村猜拳小能手的名号让给你了!给你点赞加油!

Wahh... He really can draw. And you look still the same pretty and gorgeous to me. ❤️

By the way, I tagged you at Twitter to join the #Steem #Seven77 campaign by @nathanmars (his handle at Twitter is @NathanMars7) to spread steem awareness.

Just do 7 Creative pushups daily for 77 days. It can literally a real pushups or u push ups anything. For eg maybe pushup eye lashes when using mascara or just push up a book, anything. Or pushup your eyebrows (eg by @nathanmars).

Have a look and join us if you can =)

Thank you for the mention here in your video. I appreciate it so much. 😍

Thank you! Haha haha. Push up bra lol

Posted using Partiko Android