well I'm glad that you expect some silly stuff from me, that frees me up a bit, lol. I don't know about "everything" I say is funny. .that's a wild stretch but I'll take it! lol.
the no meat thing though..so you try to compensate the protein amount by giving him other things with protein but not meat?
I wonder if he'll grow out of that, it's interesting but different. I don't think most vegetarians are born that way.
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No I'm prettt sure it's a texture thing. I think he'll grow out of it. He eats lots of nuts and yogurt to compensate. And I make him take the one bite of every meal. Hoping one day he'll say YUM MOM!
howdy today @thefarmerswife! ok that makes perfect sense and he probably will just grow out of it although I had some bizarre behaviors that people were waiting for me to grow out of when I was a kid and they're still waiting!