Healing The Hidden Wound: Circumcision with Pyasa

in #dtube6 years ago

Healing The Hidden Wound: Circumcision with Pyasa

Anarchast Ep470

Topics include: male circumcision, somatic sexology, USA routinely practicing very harmful circumcision, the results of being circumcised, making a documentary on circumcision, the resulting trauma, healing from that early trauma, finding sexual fulfillment, foreskin restoration and regeneration, stem cell treatment, scar tissue remediation, the joy of the foreskin, Anarchapulco 2020

To find out more and donate to the documentary: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/healing-the-hidden-wound-circumcision-documentary

Trailer for the documentary "Healing the Hidden Wound ":

Pyasa's website: https://www.intimacyadventure.com

Anarchapulco 2020: http://anarchapulco.com

Anarchast on Bit.Tube: https://bit.tube/anarchast

Anarchast: http://anarchast.com

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If we stopped circumcisions hospitals and catholic organizations might go out of business.

I thought circumcision was practised in Islam only.