I Am So Excited Right Now About Many Things in My Life & Especially My Long Term Goals here on the #STEEM #Blockchain - Are You In? Let's Talk About That

in #dtube6 years ago

I Am So Excited Right Now About Many Things in My Life & Especially My Long Term Goals here on the STEEM Blockchain - Are You In - Let'sTalk About That.jpg

Long Term Goals Set in Stone.png


@onelovedtube - Contact @d00k13 or @grayoo or @graylan #OneLoveDTube Community Discord https://discord.gg/CsqcfSx

Let's Take #STEEM to the MOON! @dtube - Video Site - Youtube - No Censorship - https://d.tube/ @vimmtv - Live Streaming Platform - Twitch - No Censorship - https://www.vimm.tv/ @dsound - Podcast & Music Site - Soundcloud - No Censorship - https://dsound.audio/#!/feed @steemhunt - Product Search & Review - No Censorship - https://steemhunt.com/ @dlike - Web Content Sharing - Pinterest - No Censorship - https://dlike.io/ @actifit - Fitness Tracker - https://actifit.io/ @steemmonsters - Digital Card Game - https://steemmonsters.com/ @appics / @steepshot - Instagram - No Censorship - https://appics.com/ - https://steepshot.io/

Download the Amazing @partiko #dapp for #steem Today! - Click the Link Below: https://partiko.app/referral/jeronimorubio https://steemit.com/@partiko

Get your #steem Account today by clicking on the link below and begin your #steem Journey today!! https://account.steem.ninja?ref=jeronimorubio Much love and Respect to All of You Always, Your Brother for Life and Beyond, @jeronimorubio - @dtube, and #STEEM to the MOON!!!

I'm am So Thankful for All the Beautiful People in My Life that Always Help Me to Smile and Laugh, Like My Beautiful Fiance Vanja, Our Two Children Angeles and David and All of My Family in Mexico, Norway, Thailand (My Brother @stewsak), and here in the USA. They Are a True Blessing in My Life and I Love Them With All of My Heart.

I Always Seem to Smile and Laugh at times Watching Amazing Content from all of You Beautiful #steemains, #dtubers, @steemmonsters, @dtube, @onelovedtube, @helpie, @dcooperation, @steem-ua, @oracle-d, @steem.ninja, @steemhunt, @steepshot, @partiko, @vladivostok, @dtubedaily, @drisers, @bdcommunity, @nathanmars7, @steemnurse, #dtubefamily777, #linkseven77, @prettynicevideo, and all of the DApps and Dev Teams on these Amazing #steem Powered Platforms on all my videos as well. Thank You for this... I Love You All.

May You always live in the Abundance of Beauty, Love and Be at Peace in Your Heart, My Amazing Family All Over the World and My #dtube and #steemit Family... Go Out and Spread that Joy, Happiness, Peace, and Love Always Every Day. @jeronimorubio

▶️ DTube
▶️ IPFS I Am So Excited Right Now About Many Things in My Life & Especially My Long Term Goals here on the #STEEM #Blockchain - Are You In? Let's Talk About That...


I have been on and off with Steemit for 2 years almost to the day. I have seen this platform boom and bust, grow and contract, and I still haven't begun to figure it all out. I, too, am in it for the long run. I just do my thing here and let it all build up. Maybe some day it will reward me greatly. There's also the possibility that it will become monopoly money and a relic of a once great experiment. Who knows?
I have not spend a dime of my own money so I have no business complaining about anything that happens here. I do find the politics a bit annoying and I hate seeing great content going unnoticed while garbage posts get ranked. But, hey....it's all a part of the grand experiment.
I'm just happy to say that I was among the first to get here and a pioneer to a new social construct that built the new era of the crypto revolution!
That's priceless!

I'm with you on the difference of posts that get ranked. I had joined 10 months ago and after a few weeks I stopped with things going on with me. I just got back yesterday, and I'm still wondering what makes certain posts go up significantly while other languish. I think all sorts of content should be on here, but with it being so oriented toward the cryptocurrency industry, I'm wondering how much that can be possible and still get someone a decent amount of Steem income.