What is happening my fellow Food Fighters? It’s that time of the week again...I normally have today off of work...Hey!!! What Kind of Crap is this?!?! I think I am goin to have to have a little chat with management about this. Don’t they know that Food Fight Friday is the Coolest Kitchen in the Blockchain?? Why on God’s Green Earth am I working!! In my mind, total lack of respect for...food.
I have no idea why this happens all the time, Friday just sneaks right up on me then I am scrambling to get something figured out. But guess what, with Food Fight Friday...You don’t have to be a chef by any means. Just show us all what fuels you throughout the day/week. It doesn’t have to be a recipe, we aren’t compiling a recipe book here. We are having a Food Fight for the love of God!! Have fun, be silly, weird, inside out and backwards...who cares. Just post up something food related on FRIDAY and Tag it #FFF and share your love of food with all us Food Fight Friday Fanatics. That to me is what makes Food Fight Friday The Coolest Kitchen On the Blockchain.
Ok, now into what I got going on with my Food Fight Friday post...well just watch the video.
Happy Food Fight Friday Everyone!!
▶️ DTube
Every crew needs a Splatts. He’s not acting folks, that’s just what he does.
You’re frikkin funny. Great entry, chef.
Thats just how he rolls...

!gif Thanks You very much
Dude that means a lot really it does. We were having some issues with some things and even I was getting a little frustrated. So what better way to put that carp aside then to get a little goofy and weird. Lol. If your not having fun at work...then you ain’t workin’ that’s my slogan and I am sticking to it.
That was pretty dope! Love the compilation of food fight Friday celebrations. The cat/penguin was classic. Haha
I know...what the heck was that thing??? Snapchat developers are on some serious stuff. Lol.
I mean really...a dancing hotdog?? Ha ha ha Snapchat is too much fun. I’m really glad you enjoyed it, I hope it made you grin a little bit.
Oh, we laugh everytime you put up one of these vids. In fact, Dandays will call out to me to scoot close to him so we can watch it together. Then we both laugh, at you, not with you (or was it with you, not at you?). Haha
Awesome!!! I’m glad I can get you two to cuddle up and at or with me. Lol. Cheers to the both of you. You guys rock!!
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