I have had the Ninja Coffee Bar for almost 3 years. I only had one issue and that was when it wouldn’t use up all the water in the reservoir and would stop brewing. Leaving me with only 1/2 pot of coffee. We all know that ain’t gonna cut it, a measly 1/2 pot...C’mon!! So I followed the cleaning instructions and haven’t had a problem since. Mind you that it the first and only time I have cleaned it... oops...
I am pretty sure the dependability of a machine depends on the quality/brand and how well you take care of it. In my case I don’t take care of it and it has been lasting a long time.
I don’t really care for the single cup coffee makers. I drink way more than 1 cup of coffee on the weekends when I am home.
Good ol’ 7-11 saves the day... dang it!!! I missed the free slurpee day!!! I guess I will have to wait until next year.
I will have to look at that one then, thanks for the suggestion!
Yea I’m not so fond of the single cup idea either but I was told they last longer but if I can get a Ninja Bar for cheaper I will most likely give that a go instead. The whole garbage from the pods thing bugs me also.
Yea luckily 7-11 is just down the road, I’m not paying big money per cup a coffee by any means 😝
Thanks for stopping in buddy 💪
Posted using Partiko iOS
What?!?! You don’t like paying $10 for a Mocha-chino-frappo-latte-iced-shaken- at exactly 103.25 degrees?? You crazy dude. Hahaha I will go with a 7-11 high caffeine coffee from the night before anytime. LOL.
IIRC The Ninja was around $100, it has a few different setting and stuff but I just brew straight up coffee with it.