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RE: Bitcoin Hits New All-Time High Over $4,400 As It Catches Paypal In Total Market Cap

in #dtube8 years ago

@brightguy - Totally concur with that, it's a love hate thing! As much as I echo Jeff Berwick and would love to see it replaced, it's just like fiat currencies....the way our economy (and in Paypal's case, ecommerce) runs right now, they are necessary evils. We'll still need to work with them until we hit that final tipping point into crypto. I've heard it's something like when 1% or 3% of the worlds' population uses it.

Also true that moving money back and forth between banks and Paypal is slow, I just meant that transferring money between PP accounts (or via Credit card with Paypal) is fast. Yep, I'm a big ebay guy too - former powerseller back in the day! :-)