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hello my fellow dtuber,gamers and all community on steem block chain,back again with me jodipamungkas,in this video we gonna continue the mission from unknown caller,this games is so weird and make me confused,so hard to find for the next quest,but i try to find out,enjoy the video and see you in the enxt mission,peace out!.SUPPORT ME ON STEEMACE
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- My Discord : Jodipamungkas#2040
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- Webcame : Logitech c922 pro stream
- Headseat : Arctris 5 Dota 2 Edtion
- Mouse : Steelseries Sensei 310
- Mousepad : Steelseries Qck Prism
- Laptop : MSI GP 62 7RDX Leopard
- Gaming Chair by : E-Win
- Record App : OBS ( Open Broadcaster Software )
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Wow mate, that Intro is SIIIIICK!
How are you enjoying this game so far? Thought about buying :)
im so enjoy this games,but sometime im confuse and this games so scary 🤣 thanks for watching bruh
Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!! Keep up with the dorky content for more love!!!
Thanks dork ✌👍