Did Enoch actually fly to Heaven?
- Are some dragons animals?
- Are some dragons demons?
I've been linking to these conversations we're having on my blog.
I'm a big fan of the television show called Fringe. They talked about different dimensions.
Real & Not Real
Satan tries to make us think Satan is fake and not fake because that divides and conquers. It creates a bipolar disorder in society.
I love talking about UFOs. So, people say there are these cubicle rectangle objects moving out in space around like Jupiter and towards earth. So, are they rocks or UFOs or what?
Flat Earth
Is the earth flat or what kind of shape is it? I love debating with people concerning those kinds of questions.
Hollow Earth
How hollow is our planet? We can see some caves, cavities, volcanoes, tunnels, underground cities, military bases, secret societies, hideouts, bases, holes, etc. How much of our planet is unexplored?
Ancient Technology
I should probably do more research on these things. I should probably write more about those things.
Miracles are from God and magic is of the devil. So, there are good and bad travel etc. Anakin Skywalker got sucked into the dark side of the force in Star Wars by Satan, AKA Palpatine. So, we can be pulled in because we want to fly. We want supernatural abilities. We may not be ready to handle such powers. Also, we may not have the right kind of bodies for handling such power at the moment. Also, there might be a learning curve. Also, it might be partly rigged. The meaning and purpose of life may include, to an extent, a process of learning how to deal with more and more power, gradually. So, you can level up like in video games. But in life, it aint no video games. Satan offers us shortcuts to the game of life. So, we are Mario. So, Satan gives us a warp pipe from level 1 to level 8. The problem is that we might not be ready for level 8, assuming we were never reincarnated.
Satan vs God
God wins in the end. That's the good news. I try to align with that and be part of His Story (History). But Satan is the prince of the air, the king in the mist of our game of thrones. That's the bad news. It's valuable to be aware of the bad news. Too often, people may be too focused on the good news or on the bad news. You gotta have eternal perspective that is balancing between the two news.