Dance Challenge Oh na na na ✔️✔️ Exclusive for Dtube

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Greetings steem community

Welcome once again to my little blog, today I want to share a dance challenge that I did with a friend.

Nis found this challenge on the short video platform tik tok and bo we thought twice about joining

I liked this video so much that I wanted to share it with the users of dtube chain and steem 😍...

I hope you like it!

Thanks for watching my video

It is my pleasure to show you my art through a video, I hope that the next few minutes are entertaining for you and that you can contribute something of value to the community and the facilities of the Dube platform..

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Cool steps guys it is a great one

Tendré que ver tu vídeo luego desde la otra lap porque en la que estoy en estos momentos no me deja ver vídeos. :(

Voy a verlo a ver si me aprendo unos pasitos XD