DTube - Canadian Prime Minister CONFRONTED! - Why I Called Justin Trudeau A Scumbag

in #dtube7 years ago

Definitely one of my favorite older videos from early 2017!
See the original article below:

Let's finish this story off.
In this video, I break down what exactly led me to call Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a scumbag. I figured I'd set the record straight as this story is soon forgotten.
I waited several hours to question him on the carbon tax, waited patiently for children to leave the room and went to get my question in. It turns out, being alternative media, I wasn't able to ask him a question. The state-run media got to ask him questions. Pre-screened questions at that. Standing there for hours, tired, hungry, dehydrated, I would not have it. I went to plan B.
Between questions, I blurted out my question to which he tried to stop me.
As security attempted to remove me, I stood my ground and waited for him to finish answering another question before continuing to question him. Eventually, security was getting far more harsh with me and made me move. I walked in front of the cameras and called him out again.
I tried to buy myself as much time as possible. But watching him arrogantly smirk as he talked about how much he cared about poor families after a scripted photo-op with children made me sick. There are millions of people out there whose lives are being thrown into a bottomless pit of debt and restriction of civil liberties. I had to call a spade a spade.
So as security rushed me out of the room, I called him a scumbag and shamed him for his work representing the United Nations and his globalist counterparts instead of actual individuals.
I regret nothing.
Next thing I knew, I was all over the media across Canada. One of the biggest stories of the day. It was insane. While around 90% of people supported what I did, I found myself getting many death threats which isn't unusual for me to get considering my job, but it was more than usual.
It's alright though, I shrug it off.
I said what millions of Canadians wanted to say to him.
And full disclosure, I'm a libertarian, a voluntaryist, an anarchist. I attempted several times to confront Harper as well. I've confronted Trudeau in the past over Bill C-51. I stand for individual liberty and a separation from collectivism. So I'm simply being consistent.
Many people ask, how is it journalism to call him a scumbag? Well, calling a bad person a scumbag isn't exactly opinionated. When you know what he's responsible for, there's nothing wrong with calling him out. And my question in return is, how is it journalism to ask pre-selected questions to politicians?
And if anyone saw the blitz from the media, the CBC, CTV, Global, Huffington Post, Chris D, City News, they all just copied and pasted the same article and called it their own! They didn't do a second of investigating by looking me up to see I've confronted Trudeau before and I'm not just "claiming" to be a member of world alternative media in lower case, I'm the founder and alternative media is destroying the dinosaur media. In fact, alternative media is set to surpass mainstream media in viewership in the next 2 years!
Despite being the biggest story online for CTV on social media, they didn't even mention me on their broadcast.
CBC made it look like I started swearing at Trudeau in front of children which is absurd.
This is why the mainstream media is dying.
As for Trudeau, ignoring the plight of millions as he destroys rural communities, doing pay for play with Chinese bankers, implements bail-ins, continues the quantitative easing and fractional reserve banking, restricting opposition, restricting free speech, taxing people on the air they breath causing the poor to choose between heating their home and buying groceries, pretending to stand for women while sending money to governments and dictatorships who stone women to death for driving and kill gays, now that is the definition of a scumbag.
Oh, and by the way... How do you know that Trudeau doesn't identify as a scumbag? All of you sending me hate are perpetuating bigotry.

In the end, I'm happy I got people talking about the carbon tax and now, the story is over on this confrontation and I am moving on to my next big attempt to educate the public and turn some heads so stay tuned!

▶️ DTube

Awesome post! That was quite enjoyable!

People who will retweet my post and reply to my comment with proof of retweet, will be rewarded.

Guess we need more of you to let the politicians know what's best.

I retweeted your tweet .... but not sure how to prove it....so copied from my profile of tweets

Tweets Tweets, current page. Tweets & replies Media
You Retweeted


4h4 hours ago
Why I Called Justin Trudeau A Scumbag@TeamSteemLive

I can't see your retweet. There's only 5 person who retweeted and one is not showing.

@ismikle is my profile... should reflect on there but never mind no big deal {smile}

~~~ embed:946326218001010688?ref_src=twcamp%5Eshare%7Ctwsrc%5Em5%7Ctwgr%5Eemail%7Ctwcon%5E7046%7Ctwterm%5E3 twitter metadata:VGVhbVN0ZWVtTGl2ZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9UZWFtU3RlZW1MaXZlL3N0YXR1cy85NDYzMjYyMTgwMDEwMTA2ODh8 ~~~

Love your content, brother. Keep on keeping on.

Thanks Josh, I really appreciate somebody holding politicians accountable. You just keep turning out great work.

And so we should, they're our servants.

Hold their balls to the torch!!

My pleasure! Thanks!

If ever there was a post worthy of a resteem, it's this one :)
Much appreciate your courage.

Thank you very much! :) It's the least I can do!

he is indeed a scum bag

This is why we political scientists refer to them as "political actors". All they do is act for dumbasses on TV. In Trudeau's case, he is playing the role of "nice Canadian" which is a persona the majority of Canadians love to rally behind.

click here.Congratulations @joshsigurdson, this post is the third most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 357 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $9335.14. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,

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intereting post and even, thanks)

He answers just. Don't think he is afraid or wondered.

I kind of get both sides on this... he can't have everyone asking questions, but then again everyone should have the access to ask questions. There should be a way to submit questions without being a reporter.

this post is related with politics..thanks for sharing and providing political news.carry on my friend..i will wait your new blog...resteemit..

in waiting for his post..

Wow... I can only imagine what you would call Trump !

There are many reasons that Justin Trudeau is a scumbag but instituting a carbon tax is not one of them. lol. Do you right wingers want to die of heat, thirst, and starvation because of climate change?

Steemit does seem to have a lot of extremist right wing libertarian types. It's a space for all opinions.

Hi @joshsigurdson,

First of all i would like to salute your bravery.

One of the most dangerous categories of human being on this planet is POLITICIAN. They are the biggest culprits of this beautiful Land. They use their acting skills just to promote their soft image before camera but they are different inside.

Light of knowledge makes them naked before the mass. That is why it is said,

" Logic is afraid of awareness"

They way you exposed Canadian Prime Minister is appreciable and a lesson for the youngsters of other countries they should put questions to their authorities as well.

They (politicians) are representatives of the people not at all their Lords.
It is a lesson for everyone to make the law equal for everyone.

Such a brave Post!

Please! Stay safe

My Prayers and Support is always with you. Stay Blessed!

Didn't see it before... thx for the post..

Brave guy

Wow really amazing

Amazing! I always like yor work because of your hard work, much informative.

his father sold the country out to the IMF in 74, shame on him

I read it in detail. answerer

Can I get upvote for no reason here?

Amazing post @joshsigurdson thanks for sharing

Congratulations, your post received one of the top 10 most powerful upvotes in the last 12 hours. You received an upvote from @thejohalfiles valued at 218.22 SBD, based on the pending payout at the time the data was extracted.

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Hey Josh! I enjoyed watching this vlog very much. Decentralized applications without any (governmental) censorship are perfect to spread the truth, so I'm glad having found you here on #dtube.

Upped and followed for more!

Good for calling out Justin I am sick of his fake smile and fake personality on the fake cbc

Good Job .

You do great work Josh ❗️You speak for those of us who can not go to every event that scumbag does ❗️🙏 Thank you for doing so , for YOU are the REAL NEWS ❗️👏👍

Right on! I'm so glad I saw this! I can't believe this happened in April, I had no clue, thanks for loading it on #dtube and the Steem blockchain. Thank you for exposing the corrupt MSM, I can't believe they wouldn't let you ask any questions. I was cheering at your bravery in confronting them on their BS! You rock!!!!!

And yeah...carbon tax...that ought to fix everything, we all know taxes have fixed all our other problems and we live in a perfect world because of it :P

Great post there, keep up good work !

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As a rule I don't usually approve of this sort of thing... but since Trudeau and people like him never seem to condemn it when it happens to their enemies I hope more people like you step up and let them know that they are hated too.

I don't know what proof is other than it should be on my wall.
Reason I resteemed though is because of what you did with Trudeau... I'm not a fan of it. Thanks to him and his Ministers I'm in the middle of suing my band because they've been embezzling money from the government. INAC has admitted they were aware of it but it took an rcmp file to get INAC to step in.

Meanwhile I'm out 30 grand fighting council until the final report is done... after which I can finish suing Council, and then sue INAC for allowing the money to be taken in the first place.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment


That sounds about right! lol Though "male" is debatable.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment