Been trying to upload to DTube for a week, sorry for the wait. It fails to upload 9 times out of 10. Hope it works this time!
See the original article below:
Josh Sigurdson talks with Dan Dicks of Press For Truth about the recent demonetization of countless YouTube channels.
In the past several months, YouTube has really stepped up their game demonetizing those with views that don't fit official establishment narratives. Not only that, but completely non-controversial people doing video game tutorials and play-throughs.
With some of the top YouTubers affected, it was only a matter of time before alternatives would provide the services the customers are asking for and that alternative is here!
As we've gone into before at WAM, DTube provides people a censorship free decentralized alternative to YouTube which has been long awaited.
DTube is powered through Steemit, the decentralized alternative to Facebook!
You get paid by posting your video and if your video gains demand from an audience, people will upvote you and you will make money in STEEM the cryptocurrency.
Dan and Josh dig into why it's necessary and why the future is on the blockchain.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
▶️ Watch on DTube
▶️ Watch Source (IPFS)
Yeah i had the toughest time uploading a video and even still it rarely plays all the way through. I've read it's all about your video settings, I've read H.264 MP4 720p is more likely to not get an error
I would agree!!But I'm having a hard time uploading my video I keep getting error? Do you have any idea y
Yeah, I've been having a serious issue with that lately too.
I'd always go with an Mp4 file by the way. Within the second or third time it usually works.
can't load :/
dTube will pay better... but that only happens if u could get it to upload your video.

I wonder what is keeping it from uploading?
Lacking 1 EB of harddisk in the data center perhaps?
( in case u wonder, 1EB = 1000000TB , 1TB=1024GB ... )
Let them know and see it. Surely dtube is the better option. Steemit all the way. Let's spread the good news the more people gets to know and use the Dtube the less YouTube and soon just as you said YouTube will be approaching it's end.
Well done for good job
DTube can be a alternative, it just has a few bugs to fix, like failing to upload videos 9 times out of 10. Although DTube could become a viable candidate for youtubes next competitor
I love DTube, yet I'd ask everyone to not be delusional.
I'm not criticizing, it's hard even for me to avoid delusions because it's just amazing that videos now are hosted on IPFS, too.
But this system has issues that prevents adoption of large masses:
Steemit registration is slowly accepted
some settings and setups are too technical for ordinary people to understand (e.g. you can't reset your pw, etc)
some videos are not "seeded" on IPFS
even those which are, are sometimes unavailable due to internal issues with IPFS.
and major bugs server-side, ofc.
It's just the beginning of a long path, and it was only a proof-of-concept originally, anyway. We should be patient and persistent.
Especially considering that the server code isn't even available yet. @heimindanger has life, too.
D-tube is great when it uploads. Trouble is; It only uploads 1 time out of 10 tries for me.
The idea of DTube is great but aside from the upload issues, I very rarely am able to watch a whole video without having to reload the page because it simply stops streaming. YouTube is corporate controlled bullshit but DTube is not yet a viable alternative although of course it is only a POC. I also wish you could embed the DTube videos in posts rather than having to actually visit Dtube
Stop promoting SHIT that doesn’t work❗️Dtube is a great IDEA , however implementation of this new media is CRAP 💩 ❗️WORK HARDER ON IT STEEMIT for you have many problems ❗️I can’t gat in touch with support because I need an incrypted key ❗️Then WTF is this ⁉️Greg Manorinos videos are being screwed by this message of must payout ⁉️When I go to that page there is no PAYOUT NEEDED❗️Your the one that’s going to die an early death STEEMIT if you can’t get simple things in your site to work ❗️No TUTORIAL , NO ACCESS = ⚰️
I have high hopes for dtube, but their server infrastructure is just not there. This page took a long while to load and the video never did.
Dtube can't take over youtube if your videos can't load XD
Let’s hope this works! I’m sick of YouTube’s censorship!
There really needs to be an option to just host your uploads at home on your own pc and have it stream directly from there if viewed on d-tube. So you have a a choice of on IPFS or just normal torrent from home.