Watch DTube - Google CAUGHT Recording Your Private Conversations! - What You Need To Know! video on DTube
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Watch DTube - Google CAUGHT Recording Your Private Conversations! - What You Need To Know! video on DTube
Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent uncovering of evidence that shows Google is recording your private conversations and storing them.
The tech giant is using millions of androids to collect information. It works a bit like Apple's Siri. If you're signed into Gmail or a Google account and you say "Okay, Google." around your phone, it will begin recording. But Google is a little hard at hearing, so you can actually just say "okay" around your phone and it will start recording.
The recordings last 10-20 seconds and stores on Google history as well as sends the recordings to Google itself.
The recordings can pick up very private conversations that can be embarrassing to most people.
It regularly turns on the recorder as people go about their daily business. A library of your deepest, darkest secrets can be logged in some Google database!
This isn't just on your phones though. This is happening through your laptop as well!
Now we all know Google is listening to us, it's not particularly surprising. Vault 7 by Wikileaks showed that even further, but this is simply more evidence of the incremental infringement of privacy we deal with on a daily basis as surveillance has become a new normal in this technocratic age.
Interestingly, unlike Siri, the private recordings can actually be accessed by you! You can hear your own secretly recorded private conversations!
There are also ways to disable these settings temporarily (though they turn back on by themselves).
You can find out how to listen to the recordings and pause them in this video!
Big Brother is watching you, and recording you, compiling your darkest secrets on a massive server alongside the NSA (likely in collaboration) and in the future, who knows what it may be used for.
Thanks for this helpful tip. Ride on dude
No problem! Thanks for watching.
Thanks for this informative content. Is people like you we need on steemit
Thank you! I appreciate it! I do my best. :)
Great video,i cant believe what google are doing it terrifying to think what secrets they have got stored away,who knows what they will do with it.Google is growing far to big and powerful,it's probably got plans to take over the whole world,thanks for sharing.
People love their smart phones. I prefer mine dumb. Deaf, too...
Thank for sharing !!
Good work. Way to spread the work. A few people I know have Alexa and I tend to stay a little quieter at their houses. But now every stupid google phone!! Damn son!!
Not surprised. This is Google, after all.
From the moment Google started using the tag line "don't be evil" I knew is was diversion to be exactly evil and they continue to prove this out. I do not use google products because their complete lack of respect for privacy and now how they are deciding what free speech they will deem acceptable...
WOW this is crazy Thanks for the info
Nice report @joshsigurdson. Do you think that the OK Google functionality is the only way they are recording conversations or there other methods as well with more consistent recording? If it's only the OK Google aspect, can't a user just turn that off? I don't even have it installed since I'm running CopperheadOS which has no Google apps, so I can't verify.
I do notice that the Android System is constantly sending data to an unknown IP, and it's not something I can prevent without rooting my phone.
All of these so called 'smart devices' are just a gateway for invasion of privacy in the name of convinience for the sheeple.
I really want to see the death of Google and Youtube. With the Rise of Steemit and now DTube, all big youtubers need to make videos and transfering all their followers over to DTUBE and Steemit. Death to YT and WELCOME STEEMIT DTUBE
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