DTube - SHOCKING: Canadian Deficit Could Stretch To 2046! - Budget Won't Balance Itself!

in #dtube7 years ago

One of our most recent video reports!
See the original article below:

Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the alarming recent news that the Canadian budget deficits could last until the year 2046!
While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed during the 2015 election that the budget would balance itself, clearly anyone with a fraction of a brain realizes that's not the case. Now the Liberal government is touting this recent projection stretching to the year 2046 as a success due to former projections pointing to the year 2051. Is anyone else finished with this nonsense?
Trudeau has the intelect of a diced potato, he's not in control of the economy or the markets or the budget, it goes far deeper than the office of the Prime Minister. This is rooted in the central banking system and global order.
Bill Morneau, Canada's finance minister sold off the remaining gold in Canada. We confronted him on it. Trudeau put in the carbon tax which is basically a tax on everything. We confronted him on it. Canadians aren't just being hit by out of control taxation, but the hidden tax we know as "inflation" created by the printing of paper IOU note fiat currency at the Bank of Canada. Then there are massive derivative market bubbles gaining pressure and getting ready to pop throughout Canada, including housing markets in both Toronto and Vancouver.
This all comes down to debt. If you're shoved down a bottomless pit of debt, you are forced to ask for a ladder up from the government and banking system putting you in the perfect place to be controlled. This is why we must break free and look towards voluntary means rather coercive collective means. We are individuals not giant flocks of pawns like the state would like us to believe.
If we understand the negatives we can make them positives, but we need education in order to do that and we won't get them from public schools, universities or television. We will get that via independence and responsibility, the crucial hallmarks of liberty and freedom.
So we must save ourselves. We must look towards decentralization, tangible assets. Self sustainability. It's never been so important.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover these issues going into 2018!

▶️ DTube

You should do a video on Justin Trudeau’s love for the UN and globalization! I’m sure that would be a barn burner of a video!

sounds like an alarming NEWS for every Canadian citizen

I've definitely done some pretty in depth reporting on that in the past, but I suppose it's been a while. Probably two years now.
When I confronted him last, I shouted "Shame on you and your globalist counterparts." lol
Confronted the finance minister Bill Morneau on the agenda to create a world currency too.
But I really should do a solid breakdown. Thanks :)

A solid breakdown of it would be fantastic! It doesn’t take a genius to figure out he doesn’t look out for Canada’s best interests.

I’m aware of the time when you yelled at him and it got into the mainstream media here in Canada!

I’m subscribed to your YouTube channel, and I follow you here, so I’ll look out for any videos you do on that subject!

While I suspect that you are not able to fully replace your revenue streams from youtube, patreon etc. with STEEM, I hope that you will get there quickly. While I have a different perspective on some of your comments (my commentary on your Saudi Gas post) it is merely that I tend to look at things from different angles.Hi @joshsigurdson

Keep up the good work.

considering moving back to Canada 🙈 appreciate all the 411 you guys put out. at least my decision comes from an more educated frame of mind.

Hey Josh, great to see making money on your posts! If anybody out there deserves it is you and John.

Canada has lost its way. I'm still trying to understand how Trudeau was elected. As for the deficit, it will never be paid off. Same here just to your south. Globalism is everywhere. Counter it anyway you can. Prepare for the worst because it's now closer than ever.

I agree with you. I can’t understand how people couldn’t see his flaws sooner. His father, Pierre Trudeau was actually quite an intellectual and a very strong leader. It’s too bad Justin can not reach the great heights his father did.

Le tengo un máximo respeto a la sociedad Canadiense, y a pesar de este déficit, se que tienen la capacidad de unirse y llevar el país hacia adelante. ¡Te sigo!

Good article :)

Gotta love socialism, has to work out one day!

if the deficit budget could last for long , i don't see any reason of over taxing the citizens

These clowns in Ottawa keep pissing my money away. They handle money like a crackhead. Putting future generations in debt is crazy and wrong, it's wrong to saddle people who aren't even born yet with our debt.

Invest in Crypto and save your Money.

Here where I live in Ft Lauderdale, Florida I like to call it Little Canada because most Canadians seem to all have a second or vacation home here. It seems during the winter months there are more licence plates from Quebec or Montreal than Florida. I enjoy the Canadians because they are usually always nicer than the locals.

joshsigurdson!! Thank you, your Post.