Wowzers. So good. You should join the openmic community. More people will find it then. Try making this post's title start 'steemit openmic week 67' and making your first tag on this 'openmic' then post it here:
Thanks so much for he insight! Yeah I tried to upload this on Dtube but the sound never came I just edited this post with a YouTube video instead.
Hey, your sound is broken
Wowzers. So good. You should join the openmic community. More people will find it then. Try making this post's title start 'steemit openmic week 67' and making your first tag on this 'openmic' then post it here:
Or write a song for the final week of this challenge:
Thanks so much for he insight! Yeah I tried to upload this on Dtube but the sound never came I just edited this post with a YouTube video instead.