Cant upload video to dtube!

in #dtube8 years ago

Im signed in fine. I click on the upload icon and get the box to drop/drag video. I tap the box and find the file on my tablet. It looks like its uploading (spinning circle) but just does that forever! It never uploads!

Is uploading video to dtube not possible from samsung tab s2 tablet?


I've had no problems uploading videos now, at first l had a problem. I was using Opera Browser with VPN on and was able to upload videos, but not publish them. When I turned off the VPN. I was able to upload videosand pulish them. So people who are using browsers with VPN. Should turn the VPN off to upload videos to D.Tube or use a different browser for uploading D.Tube videos. Only Problem I have now is, I can't edit the video description once a video has uploaded or delete a video, if I wanted to replace it with video with a proper description.

There may be some network issue?
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Thanks! I'll check that out. Now I can actually see the video as though its uploaded and can even play it but when i try to submit it to the blockchain it says i must upload a video first. Some error about ipfs??

Having the same issue. Have the devs abandoned us? These blockchain platforms and STEEM seem perfect for mass adoption, already having a use case, but if I can't upload it's all a waste of time I guess.

Patiently waiting for Zappl too...

I know right? I thought I read somewhere that they have to update to the newest version. Maybe that'll fix it..? Unless we already on the new

Something about the steemit/dtube update

Nothing for an iPad though