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RE: HF21 in 1WEEK| Are You Ready? What Changes Should We Expect?

in #dtube6 years ago

You are inventing things that never happened by even saying I was talking "to you" or "about you" much less "putting words in your mouth".

And you don't tell me what I am allowed to say, much less when it pertains to a personal message directed at helping, or advising my friend on what the STEEM FAQ says, as maybe he did not realize.

Please wash Marky's cum from your eyes, and learn how to read things before you get mouthy bitch.

For anyone looking at this here is what happened. At no time did I mention Anthony's name, or direct anything I said at him, or about him. Nor did I even "respond" to something he said. As per this:

Above is a screen shot of my friend who has been FULLY censored by Stinc Coininstant's COMMENTS, from his Honusurf BLOG", I often go direct to his comments section of his coininstant, and honusurf to see if he has been trying to contact me, as with the total eradication of his messages under one of his accounts, I do not get them by simply viewing random posts, his posts, or my own posts. Nor does anything he posts show up in my feed, even though I follow him. So I use this method as a means of looking at what he is saying, and or responding to him. Again see below:

Then I saw him say this, the piece which I responded TO HIM about:

Honusurfs/Coininstants WORDS - > "We'll then for your shareholder's sake don't under any circumstances let @steemflagrewards flag me."

I wanted to HELP HIM/Coin/Honusurf, by informing him of what the STEEM FAQ says. Which is THEIR WORDS --> 'STEEMIT INC's' <-- NOT MINE.

So I said this TO HONUSURF/COININSTANT, and to say this comment, I clicked REPLY on what HE/HONUSURF said:

It is important when people are making financial decisions LEGALLY, that they KNOW, and are AWARE of the legalities, and the details of the fine print, pertaining to those financial expenses. Perhaps my friend was not aware, and I was ensuring he knew what the rules are based on PRIVATELY HELD COMPANY LAWS. Which is that NO ONE CAN HOLD SHARES IN PRIVATELY HELD COMPANIES.

See below from Steemit FAQ:


I finished by telling him anyone saying otherwise IS LYING. Which is 100% true, and factual. As anyone who tells anyone else that they can INVEST in Steemit Inc. would be --> LYING.

At no time did I say YOUR name, respond to YOUR comment, mention you, say you said any particular thing, or even know that YOUR comment was stacked above his, nor did I even know whose post/video/blog the response to Honusurf/Coininstant was given on.

All I know is I clicked REPLY on his COMMENT, DIRECT FROM HIS 'HOME STEEMIT PAGE' and gave him good, solid, honest, legal advice, pertaining to what the Steemit FAQ reads. And what I meant at the end of my statement to him, was that ANYONE who said OTHERWISE pertaining to becoming SHAREHOLDERS in STEEMIT INC. would be LYING/is lying IF they had told him so <--- WHICH IS TRUE.

Where out of all that do you construe that I was messaging you, talking to you, at you, about you, or even that I had responded to YOU. Which I had NOT.

I am allowed to message my friend, and give them good solid advice, and you nor anyone else will tell me what I am allowed to say, or how to say it to them.

I left you alone, trust me I don't speak to hypocritical douche canoes. So I assure you I was NOT speaking TO YOU/AT YOU/ABOUT YOU, Nor did I REPLY to ANYTHING you said, NOR did I even KNOW you were stacked on top of Coininstant/Honusurf.

Go crawl back under your seedy money grubbing little rock you piece of shit.

Have a nice day con artist!


The author behind @kawaiicrush spends every waking moment of his pathetic life thinking about @berniesanders. He claims @berniesanders has made over 11 million dollars in Steem and is INSANELY jealous he could never live such an amazing life. He's SO fucking pathetic he will make multiple posts and comments with ABSURD claims just to get the attention of his 8 pathetic followers who also have nothing better to do with their time than dream about @berniesanders and the life they will never live. How fucking pathetic can someone be, @kawaiicrush?