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RE: HF21 in 1WEEK| Are You Ready? What Changes Should We Expect?

in #dtube5 years ago

No creating umpteen lets face it community shit coins, with no market value.. when the base currency Steem has no value at all.. is not going to save the day. Way too little, way too late, and anyhow Aggreod already made this possible.

IMO this does not add value, it devalues. Only if the currency was thriving could this be a nice addition. But at this point it is like the chef of the Titanic adding more salt to the hollandaise sauce as it sinks, after it hit the ice burg? Not going to solve anything.. only will make the currency bleed out faster, and further devalue Steem.

Mark my words they will act as this is the savior idea, announce rewards are being removed all together, and tell the people if they want to create, and trade their own home made tokens.. they can do so.

They are done here IMO.