Yeah I agree 100% and what pleases us (travel videos, information about crypto prices, how to roast vegetables lmao) <-- not actually things I enjoy just examples of old fart type content. This is not going to attract those youthful masses. It will bore the shit out of them and scare them away. Not to mention the passwords are over complicated, account creation delay. These kids want everything at the snap of their fingers. Even going live should be done at the touch of a button.. who is going to use all these keys and shit? Not Ava that is for sure. She is on Tik Tok, Snap Chat, Twitter.. and everything is fast and instant. Also I saw people say the young demographic does not have money. Well they are the ones paying for Roblox, V Bucks (Fort Nite), and more.. literally millions upon millions of dollars.. even if the money comes from their parents.. same difference... same with the music industry.. it is driven by youth.. and pretty much entertainment in general. Think of the young girls screaming at Elvis in the 50's in old clips.. or the Beatles.. and the old people even back then saying "Music these days".
So it might be dumb to the old farts to watch a condom full of water get dropped on someones head.. but to young people that is funny AF.
Great topic choice.. and you hit the nail on the head Kenan.
It seems that because we are all passionate about blockchain, we are willing to put up with the inconveniences like passwords and other things you mentioned. To the average person, they just want something that works and they may have never even heard about blockchain and perhaps they don't even care. That is where people forget how counter-intuitive this place can be which is why it is important for people to contribute to improving this place. Just publishing your own content isn't going to attract people unless you are doing something to make this place less shitty (which many of us are).
Yeah you are a wise man. Bang on.