
Net neutrality demands that ISP's does not discriminate based on the content users are accessing. By repealing net neutrality, ISP's can charge differently based on the content users are accessing, so they will become richer. In other words, government prevents ISP's from maximizing profit, which is immoral.

It's actually worse than that ... the repeal also allows for ISP's to filter and alter the data stream. Basically, that's the end of free speech and free press. And if anybody wants to claim that it won't be all that bad -- take a look at what happens every single time a group of coporate interests makes policy. It's bad.

And to anyone who thinks there's no problem ... well you also probably say "I have nothing to hide" when being told of illegal search and seizure. For those who just don't understand, that's why those who do need to protect you by fighting against this kind of thing. For those who honestly believe it's okay, you're best off being quiet.

They are way on this track with the big social media players like facebook which owns instagram as well, twitter and Google Plus, to name a few, apply their algorithm to sort the contents you see while browsing your timeline. You like a post shared by a friend and you will end up seeing similar if not the same post tens of times repeatedly because they know what's best for you based on your interest, meanwhile you lose on hundreds of other real valuable contents filtered out.
Now this, instead of earning by your content you will have to pay the internet big providers to show your content!

I see your point in the second paragraph although it was worded awkwardly, but I think the first paragraph was unnessecary. Also, I don't see how this comment is a reply to caseyjparker. Maybe you should have posted this as it's own comment instead.