What I WISH DTube Had (Wish List) | Vlog #16

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Hey SteemSquad and DTubeNation!

I'm starting to see the transition of DTube being a video site to a legit video platform that will rival Youtube.

So here's some features I hope to see available for DTube in the future and hoping it continues to boom like the cryptocurrency market of late.

My DTube Wish List

  • Categories for home page
  • Playlists
  • 100% perfect loading for videos
  • The ability to change thumbnails after uploading
  • Seperate dtube tags from steemit
  • DTube convention
  • Livestream
  • DTube Mobile app

Please say hi! I'd love to meet everyone on here and talk about cryptos and life 👊

Have a lovely day and hope you join me on this epic journey #Tron

Thanks to Sergio for the comment

Background Music


Vlog #15 - STEEM = $100 by END of 2018? | Vlog #15

Vlog #14 - 10 Ways to Instantly Upgrade your DTube Videos

Vlog #13 - Is DTube ready for the next generation of Vloggers?

Vlog #12 - Happy New Years From Australia!

Vlog #11 - My 2018 Steemit Goals

Vlog #10 - What Motivates you in life?

Vlog #9 - My 3 BIGGEST Crypto Mistakes

Vlog #8 - How To Grow Naturally on Steemit

Vlog #7 - DTube vs YouTube

Vlog #6 - Understanding Steemit Currencies

Vlog #5 - I Lost HALF Of My CryptoCurrencies

Vlog #4 - Thank You, Litecoin!

Vlog #3 - Crypto Market is Brutal

Vlog #2 - I screwed up!

Vlog #1 - My Cryptocurrency Journey Begins!

Basic Information about me:
Name: Kevin
Age: 27
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Hobbies: Content creation, Perler Bead, Cryptocurrency, and Pokemon

▶️ DTube

@Sergiomendes is awesome! So supportive lol
I would definitely like the playlist - I would even like to sort out my own videos on my page like
Daily Vlogs, Fitness, and Comedy.
And I dont know if you know, but you can actually change the thumbnail. You just drag the new picture onto your post on steemit and just replace the code.
I would also like to have my dtube posts separate, but I dont mind it.
And a DTube convention would be crazyyy, I would love to go. #Kevsaiditfirst

Awwwwww Thank You so much. Yeah I do love to support everyone as much as I can. Even if I am literally "no one" in the community. ehehehehh :D well maybe next SF at least they will organise one day for Dtubers :D It is a beginning.

Imagine all the dtubers collaborating in real life for a week. The content would be bomb as!

i'm not sure if you're aware but someone's already made dlive.
it's a third party that uses steemconnect so it's nothing official
but apparently some people are using it.

Not many are using it, I just checked it out.
Dtube is much bigger than Dlive at the moment, so making a livestream function could help them out heaps later on.

Thanks for the comment dude.

yea it's a little shoddy. a legit dtube feature would be much better.
on a side note, there's a lot of devs out there creating things on top of steem so it's real exciting to watch.

I think an option to receive notification alerts for subscribed channels would be nice a feature. Additionally, production software specifically designed to make video production quick and easy, e.g. DTube Studio, would be a real plus. Very good wishlist by the way.

I see more and more people vlogging on Dtube so it certainly can be a good competitor as long as they keep improving!

I think it's because of lot of everyday people still believe cryptocurrency is a scam so they won't understand the payment system for these videos.

Stops for commenting, always enjoy ya thoughts.

i like your article. and i already folow you. if you have time visit my bog @ yulissari

Thanks, best of luck on steemit!

All excellent suggestions. One of the main reasons I came onto steemit was to support the demonetized channels from YouTube that have supplemented their material on this platform.

As I see it so far, the only real issue I have with DTube are the buffering issues. But I'm not a video content creator so that's probably why. Other than that, DTube does seem to be a legitimate alternative to YouTube. Even as it exists right now with its flaws. I can't wait to see how the developers continue to improve it over time.

Yeah and it's only a few months old as well. Plenty of room for improvement.

Awww Thank You so much for the Shoutout You are the best. :D All the "that's what she said" jokes I can think about when You said I can get too deep sometimes LOLOLOLOL but let's not get there. ehehehhe Today I actually uploaded something related with something I thing it would be cool to have on Dtube. eheheh Brilliant minds think alike. I love Your suggestions for the platform. I think it is more difficult to do some of that changes because in the end this websites are all connected to steemit, so I think in the end they are always a little bit restrained when it comes to make that big different changes because of the codes.... but I dont understand shit about programming so I might be totally wrong LOL. But I have been a Youtuber consumer for something like 15 years and it wasn't pretty there in the beginning LOL :D But I think Dtube will see a lot of improvement very fast. Now that they got it running properly they can work on all of that. Thanks @dtube for everything :D

You rock, Sergio

I know right eheheheheh 😂😂 lets see when they will have the next update on the platform... i am guessing by february.


Love the excitement but I am not def You don't need to scream with me.... ehehehehhe LOL Just joking.

It has to improve a lot, now it has the basics like uploading the video and loading the thumbnail. those who have a YouTube channel, like us, we realize the huge difference, but we have a lot of faith in dtube.

Couldn't have said it any better myself 👌

Great video man, we seriously need a Dtube suggestion box! I really agree with the mobile app point. If not, at least better mobile compatibility when it comes to uploads! We could always just crash the Youtube convention rocking some sweet Steem and Dtube threads, now that would be a party!

What's amazing is to be here in the early days, when the application is still a baby, it has potential to be shaped by it's users, and because we know exactly what we want and don't want, it's pretty simple to point out the issues and offer ideas.
See you at the top bud, you're killin' it!

New upgrade today helped out some of these. I'm still trying to figure out what types of videos I enjoy, it's great seeing you get consistent and your thumbnails are looking good as of late!

We got the same wish buddy :)

oh yeahhh

Awesome bro!! I wish exactly the same things as you did, but mainly playlists!! That would be so dope!! oh yeah and live stream would be THE BOMB AS WELL!!!

OH!! AND!! To be able to COMMENT ON DTUBE!!! Somehow, it just doesn't seem to work. Does it work on your side??

I don't know if you have realized, but Dtube logo has just changed as well. Any thoughts to that? Do you like it better?

Winny out...for now ;)

I'm thoroughly digging the new DTube logo 👊

Yes, new improvements are useful. Nice to be have option to chang header image and see how many view have video. Nice feature will be to see all videos on channel, right now I see videos 16 days old I don't see videos older.

Hmmm, never noticed the 16 day old videos.

I actually like how the videos don't show the views on them. Makes it less about popularity.

Yeah a seperate header image would be nice, but I rarely go on my channels page anyways.

So do I, but nice will be to see videos grouped by newest videos and all videos group by add date just like on yt.

Maybe DTube is trying something. Who knows haha

Another great video, you’re killing the game my friend! I would love for Dtube to have an app also, it’s so difficult for me to upload videos. Also I can’t find the channels I am subscribed to from my iPhone..I don’t think, so that’s a bummer. I would love to create a Dtube convention as I am great at making events and parties. I am in the states though, seems like a lot of dtubers are in Europe, but I could be wrong. There should def. be a way to categorize more videos also! Thanks for always making useful AF videos lol

Thanks! I feel like there's a lot of Americans and Europeans on Dtube. I do get slightly excited when I see Aussie vloggers on DTube. It's almost an instant follow hahaha

New to D tube! Plz Sub if u like my Channel!

Is your content 100% original?

uhhhh the shade of it all ehehehhe :P Not even a reply back LOL The sub for sub is coming ehehheheh

hi @kevinli
We are @steemauvergne.... an association of 5 steemians, i am @yann0975.
We organize soon a Dtube contest.... international... just have a look at my Vid on @steemauvergne... i just explain this...
With your VLOG you could try it.... or with other category...
Maybe you could do a vlog for this contest too !!!!!
We are in FRANCE... and we will send the Price by Post to the winners if they are not at our FRENCH MEETUP on 2018/03/03...
Just have a look... may be you will be interest !
@yann0975 for @steemauvergne

There's already a steemit livestreaming site called DLive https://www.dlive.io/#/
And I believe future iterations of steepshot want to offer livestreaming from your phone as well but primarily I think it's going for the instagram feel https://alpha.steepshot.io/browse/new