Hey SteemSquad and DTubeNation!
It’s officially 2 Months on Steemit for me so here’s a small reflection on all the bad things I did and some of the good stuff as well.
It’s been an awesome ride and it’s only the beginning which is the scary/exciting part of it all.
Vlog #26 - Why You Should NEVER Select 100% Steem Power
Please say hi! I'd love to meet everyone on here and talk about cryptos and life 👊
Have a lovely day and hope you join me on this epic journey #GoSteem
Check out @adetorrent
Thanks to @slayerkm for the comment
Background Music by @maneki-neko
Join the DTube discord:
Vlog #44 - SHOW ME YOUR CITY! (DTube Challenge) | Melbourne
Vlog #43 - This Moment Will Define Me
Vlog #42 - Super Blue Blood Moon 2018 (Last Seen 1866)
Vlog #41 - January Check-In: DTube Is My Life
Vlog #40 - How I Win In Life! Mindset & Reaction
Vlog #39 - Importance of Community and Steempower (HODL)
▶️ DTube
That 2 months flew by :) It's been one hell of a ride so far, and it's been fantastic to take it with you. The only thing I could add from my point of view is the unexpected support and engagement I've had here on Steemit and Dtube. I'll go and check out Dtube Daily and Welcoming and see if I can help out
Check the discord! I can invite ya via there if you like.
If you could invite me that would be great 👍👍
It was literally a green paper, haha. Then I use a keying effect.
Thanks for the comment, dude!
It's awesome to have you in our community brother!!
You have achieved so much and it's just the beginning, as you said...EXCITING TIMES ahead of us brother :)
I also want to thank you for always commenting on my videos (at least you try your best)
Winny out...for now ;)
It would be easier if everyone uploaded in Australia nighttime haha.
Thanks for always having my back 👊
But I had to get rid of this as this was in my mind at every single comment / upvote from him which I've seen on your videos^^@theaustrianguy seems to be a fan of you. I already thought about this: The Austrian guy is watching the Australian guy's videos hahahaha... funny isn't it? Okay... no... that was actually really lame.
Maybe he's secretly me. He's my european cover haha.
Hey Kevin how do you encode your videos (what size and what type of encoding) I can't watch a lot of dtube videos because they freeze up but yours are good, was just curious as to your settings.
I export as 720p and then compress with an app called "handbrake". That's great to hear my vids plays smoothly
I know this thread is a little old but I just wanted to reiterate how important Handbrake is for this platform. It should definitely get a mention if you ever do a follow up to this video.
TOTALLY, Pat! It's saved me so much time
"oh hello" is a nice start. Lol, I'm with you on a few of these, especially the deleting thing.
Great to hear, bud!
Great Vlog. Congrats on the 2 months and here's to many, many more successes in your future. Keep up the great work Kevin and thanks for the influence you've had on my journey here and for all the upvotes and comments. I'm grateful to have gotten to know you a bit more since I've been here.
Same to you, Cap! Your smooth vlogs gives me joy haha
@kevinli - Great recap video. When you said that you followed the wrong people because they had high reputation scores, that resonated with me. I made that mistake too.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Wow dude you're inspiring me so much! I'll check out your other vlogs and maybe soon I'll be doing them as well. Thank you for uploading and have a nice day :-)
Thanks Mangoman! Give it a go, we all gotta start somewhere
Oh thank you. Especially for sharing mistakes to help us newbies.
No worries, Pyro. Wishing you the best on your Steemit adventure!
Oh my goodness, that opening effect I felt like I was watching 'Lord of the Rings'
That is the cutest gif I've seen this year!
I'm a wizard, Harry
I really like seeing how you have been playing with editing/filming tricks!
Also, I really appreciate you sharing your journey as someone who is still learning :)
Thanks for begin there since the start! I looked back at the original post and you commented, when I re-read it I was like "no way, Kortney!"
Cheers for all the support
Although I don't see it as a mistake now because it's part of the creative process, I definitely experienced that weird realization that everything is permanently posted. It's a weird feeling at first but honesty it's encouraged me to be a bit more serious about what I'm sharing.
A wealth of great knowledge and ideas here @kevinli!
Thanks man! Yeah, wish there was a way to even hide it from the feed or unlist it but you know, like you said, we got to be super weary about what we post now
Maybe that'll be a future feature... Speaking of features, I featured you @kevinli on my latest vlog! https://steemit.com/dtubedaily/@axios/9dux4d6h
I think it's awesome that you help out @welcoming, they really helped me out in the beginning as well and I should really help them in return like you do! Anyways, happy 2 month anniversary :P
Thanks Tanbay, that's awesome they helped you too 🙃
uhhhh look at that fancy intro!!!! Amazing :D Love it! Cool... Have You missed me here heheheh :P
Told You the other time You have an awesome view from the top of Your building... hope You are hitting the gym to get that six pack that are on Your new years resolution ;)
Yes... gym. hahaha.
Stop partying and start steeming again!
Heyyyyyyyy come on! I have not yet missed a day even when hangover lolol
booty don't lie
Cheers man. I just hit 1 month myself. It's a lot of learning about how the blockchain, but the technology and this new free world fascinates me. This feels like the Internet back in '97 before it really became corrupted by to many ads and special interests.
Still, good job on your vlogs. Quality gets better everyday. You're intro was amazingly trippy. I can't wait to see the quality from the Moon in 2 years haha.
Nice one, Nation. Your photos have been doing really well.
Glad you're here to stay