Hey SteemSquad and DTubeNation!
I’m sharing a very profound thought I had today while at a Pokemon Trading Card Game Tournament. I was sitting down at a table playing my opponent and it was his turn and I looked at him, and at my cards, and all I had in my head was “I’m bored” and “I don’t really like playing this anymore”
So I think the transition has started from Pokemon TCG to more Steemit material. It will be weird not going to that many more events but I think it’s the right time to invest it back into Steemit.
Please say hi! I'd love to meet everyone on here and talk about cryptos and life 👊
Have a lovely day and hope you join me on this epic journey #GoSteem
Thanks to Mel for reminding me the power of this great platform.
Background Music by Bensound
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This is your chance to work hard
Beautiful .. Thank you for the video
Great post , well done
Awesome insight, whatever you choose to do, here's the platform now, success will come your way ;)
One can only hope
I really like the fact your real in your video's. It is a very good quality to have indeed. your also a great talker where people can connect.
For some reason or another our path can just suddenly change course to pursue true happiness.
Aww thanks man! If I can live my life making videos only being me , I'll happily accept.
Dude!!! I had no idea Pokemon cards were still a thing! I collected those in elementary school!
And hoooooly SHITE!!! That's a lot of cards man!
Also... You should definitely go all in man. You won't regret it.
Selling most of them now haha.
Damn that's a lot of pokemon cards! If you really don't want to play anymore you might as well sell them, they might be worth $$$?
I am thinking about it, haha. It's time consuming to organize it though
Appreciate your hard work keep it up..
Thanks for sharing, I feel that your speech is indeed deep and profound, sometimes things just happen in a slip second like for you, it is what it is, you know :)
Yes, it is awesome sometimes when things happen that way
The most important thing tho is that people enjoy things to the fullest because one day they can wake up and not like it anymore
So true, for it dragged on for a while but ultimately I just needed this tournament today to re-confirm the passion is over. Thanks for the comments, bud!
Funny enough mate I’m facing the same type of decision but from another point of view. It’s funny, I joined Steemit and Dtube to challenge myself, and in the end the new platform has challenged me to make a better life. Very unexpected :)
So excited for ya, bud! It's changing so many people's lives
Really your informative post and video impressed me.
You made an amazing post ! Upvoted from @antobrampu. I followed you.
Thanks, have a good day!
It takes a lot to recognise when it's time to pivot, and to actually do it ✌🏿
Im letting go of any social media that isnt Steem...
i gave up playing games online and now i am much better off spending time on steemit...glad that i found this alternative called steemit!!
I've often related hobbies and even friendships at times as going through seasons. They can come and go, and depending on where you are at, sometimes they never come back around and for me, that has been ok :) I like the real Kevinli and you inspire me all the time. Thanks for doing what you do.
Thanks, Bob! You do as well
Just like you said Kevin, when it stops making fun you probably should take a break from it and focus more on the things which are more joyful for you right now. You can always start again playing if you like to. At least as long as you don‘t sell all of your cards ;)
I bought Pokémon cards in third grade I think it was 2003. Went all in with 100 SEK in coins! So 100 Swedish coins I brought them to school to buy I think around 50 Pokémon cards from a person that sold them. Ah in fourth grade everyone stopped to play it in my class...
So in a way a waste of money but it teached me that if you want something just go all in and get it! Fail more and fail faster is a good strategy in life to learn things fast rather than hold back! Also learned that others rather want money instead of stuff that may go up in value in the future!
Interesting. I came at this from another angle - music is my number 1 passion, but photography is a very close second. After I completed a 365 project, I took a bit of a break from photography and then made the conscious decision to stop following it so vociferously. I was super proud of my 365 project and learned soooo much from it, but my music practice was really suffering and so I had to make that adjustment. I work a lot, play gigs at night and have two kids and dogs to walk, so time for me is the most limited commodity.
And then what do I do a couple of years later? Join DTube daily. D'oh!
Totally! That's why I'm not too phased paying a lot for my apartment because it saves me so much time
No point in continuing something that is no longer adding to your life. R.I.P. pokemon card game. You will always be remember in our minds and felt in our hearts hahaha :)
That's creepy and I love it!
That's what I'm here for :D
Yes, bro thanks for the valuable info as I will take this on board for the future!
Glad it gave you some insight, Tricki!
Wow how timely - great work Kevin.
Thanks Manekiii
Oh I guess someone's maturing. Haha. That's what they say, you leave all the games and other hobbies and focus on making money or doing business when you start maturing and being more of an adult.
But of course there are still other fun things to do. 😊
Your idea of maturing is different to mine. I don't think playing games means your immature at all.
Well am just sharing what the other people are saying. They even say watching anime is childish. Lol.
whoops, totally missed the "they say" line haha. I'd say the ones immature are the ones who don't realize there's a shift in pop culture, hence why watching Marvel movies are now cool.
Thanks for the comment!
good post
good comment
let me share your post
Hi ....happy to connect my name is Lewin ...great times ahead
haha they're not that bad but I need more time to do other things I guess, thanks and have a good one!