Hey everyone.
I just returned home after a 2-hour drive in order to buy myself a present. It was about time to get my hands on something I have been dreaming for years now. A Sony DSR-PD170 Camrecorder! Hell yeah.
Check out my vlog for more, don't wanna ruin the fun!
Thank you all for watching my vlog and supporting me guys, means a lot.
Take care and I'll see you all later.
Find me here
- Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/haris_housos/
- Youtube (Brave Browser creator) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVrL...
- Greek Youtube channel (Brave Browser creator) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJTN...
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/theocharis_ch
- Palnet : https://www.palnet.io/@knowhow92
- Sprtshub : https://sprtshub.io/profile/@knowhow92
- Creativecoin.xyz : https://www.creativecoin.xyz/@knowhow92
- Steemace : https://www.steemace.io/@knowhow92
Posted using Partiko Android
We are gonna film some sick skate clips @jimkal
Yeaa make a test video wanna see xD
Posted using Partiko Android
Ooh, fancy new toy ya got bro!
I def wanna see some footage from it man!
Just wait for it bro! Not gonna use this camera for vlogging but I am gonna film a video part for sure!
Inner BlocksYou have been curated by @hafizullah on behalf of : a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.
YEAHHHHHHH G!! is amazing!!! congratulation.
Just put it to work, with good shots skating my friend.
I will bro! Just wait for it ;)
Damn, love getting a new camera. Perfect to get some new footage with!
I tossed 75 SP your way on Steem skate for delegation. Eventually I’ll be able to do a bit more.
I saw it bro! Thank you so much for real.
Thank you so much again brother. There is a new post from @steemskate expaining some changes with our tipping services and about our new delegator ;)!
@knowhow92 tipped 20 SKATE TOKENS for this post!