These are real tips to be taken into account as far as steemit is concerned. It's good that you took time to craft this valuable article. So informative and knowledgeable.
I have realized that this is the place where one can lift himself/herself by producing quality content and staying away from commenting or creating any kind of controversial topic.
The idea is to stay safe. It's a healthy community. A win-win situation for everyone. Earn & Let Others Earn - That should be the motto I believe. Why Downvote??
100% agree!
Upvoting yourself is regarded as rude here on Steem Knowkrish abstain from it if you don't want people to dislike you.
Perpetuating this attitude while this:
goes on would seem to be counter to (what I assume to be) your anti-SJW slant.
How can you say this to knowkrish while this goes on?
CEO Ned self-votes $6000 (at SBD price at time of self-vote):
Now I am confused. What should I do?? If self-voting is an offence or considered as a rude behaviour, then why upvoting option is present for an author before posting or commenting. It should have designed such a way that only the readers of the post and comment can decide the quality of the post/comment and then upvote if at all they like it.
Pls @lexiconical I need your suggestion.
@valorforfreedom, thnx a ton. I badly need a guiding hand who can praise me when I m doing good, warn me when I'm risking myself just like you did in this case. I have joined Steemit because one of my good friend @jackorobin saw me writing on different topics on Facebook but nobody is bothered about that. Everyone is busy checking only the posts of glamour & glitz. Nobody bothered to even comment on my effort in crafting & presenting the topic in public. People only like to see someone buying fancy cars, two-wheelers, going on vacation, foreign tour, birthday, anniversary, buying new homes etc.
I was literally sick & tired of this. Then I found Steemit. It's a boon. I agree I may not be doing the right stuff here but I badly wanted someone to guide me & teach me ins & outs of it. I want to be a good steemian and I want people to know me the same. That's it. I am sorry for I have done. I promise to not repeat it.
You don't need a guiding hand, you can look at the trending posts or my posts and study them.
Also, no need to say sorry mate, I am not angry.