No doubt...but we also make tracks to showcase to film companies only, not quite in the business to purchase tracks ourselves...however if I see that a certain sound is needed, during my search for film scorers needed... I'll pass it on to you...or email you a unfinished track, put your spin on it...split royalties, All is happy! Lol
Actual we're just a 3 person crew, freelancing our way into the film industry, from the ground up...however any good ads come my way I'll hook you...
Ok, because I wanted to make 3 free exclusive tracks for yall, but thank for the heads up on craig's list @cesarlrossi..
No doubt...but we also make tracks to showcase to film companies only, not quite in the business to purchase tracks ourselves...however if I see that a certain sound is needed, during my search for film scorers needed... I'll pass it on to you...or email you a unfinished track, put your spin on it...split royalties, All is happy! Lol
Ok sweet Mr @cersarlrossi. That's dope. My email is [email protected]
No tracks needed now but will mos def keep you posted! @kofibeatz
Thanks homez..