Beekeeping can be a very profitable business. but when you know what you are doing.
It is a fact that the world is in need of honey bees since they help in the pollinating of plants and the honey produced is consumed by humans in it’s raw form and can be processed to make natural sweeteners....Thanks for this great and useful lesson
Yes it can. I don't really make any money doing it--mostly I just give the honey to family and friends. But I love taking care of the bees and I feel like I am helping nature just a bit by keeping my hives.
You are so generous by that way.
Thanks to you for helping nature.
I do not understand how to take care of bees, and frankly I was afraid of bees. because ever I experienced a bleak incident for me while cleaning my garden suddenly a bunch of bees attacked my body, so almost all my body bumps due to bee sting, especially part of my face. I accidentally destroyed the nest, I do not see the beehive because it is hidden in the leaves of the trees. I'm afraid of bees 😊