UFOs, Aliens & Channels: "Disclosure" or Limited Hangout?

in #dtube7 years ago

REMOVED from YouTube - DTube exclusive!

This video received a fraudulent copyright strike from Tom DeLonge's equally fraudulent, government-sponsored "UFO" outfit. Thank God for Steemit on days like today.

Everything "extra-terrestrial" is now breaking through into the public consciousness, with the New York Times recently featuring a story about new UFO footage allegedly released by the government. We'll look at who is behind the flow of information and ask some questions. Like every show lately, there is also a lot of talk about Steemit and cryptocurrency, especially during the phone calls.

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The Copyright strike is total utter bullshit. Tom Delonge should take Podesta with him on the first spaceship directly into the Sun.

99.9999% of UFO's are military tech, the remaining .0001% that cannot be explained are spiritual in nature, not physical and they display all the behavior of demonic activity, basically Aliens are demons.

See Fermi's Paradox.

Peace Nathan, great video btw.

“99.9999% of UFO's are military tech, the remaining .0001%...are spiritual in nature..”

How did you arrive at these numbers exactly? These are pretty aggressive claims to make.

I find it Wild that YouTube blocked this video...
Actually I don't ; ) I saw it coming a mile away.
Nice to see you dancing between the raindrops my friend.



And thanks for calling into the show so we could rap about Steemit. Do you know how to get in touch with @fulltimegeek?

Absolutely! Thank YOU for having me.

@fulltimegeek is even harder to pin down than I am. I message him through SteemIt like I showed you; that's the best way to get in touch with him. I'm still analyzing his Weaknesses but so far, he appears to be impervious to all forms of Dickery!

I love the Channeler message at the 52 minute mark... Great info there!

The Caller at 1:13:45 was WAY COOLER though ; )


And this is the POST he was talking about!

I can’t believe Youtube has given you another strike. Just keep pushing ahead and get your content on as many platforms as possible. You are my favourite channel 😼. I support you through Patreon, but I will also do what I can to support you here on Steemit. Not quite sure I understand the way this platform works (I’m a Steemit newbie) yet. But I will certainly take the time to go through the tutorials and get up to speed. Keep up the good work.

Did not Wernher von Braun make comments about an upcoming alien hoax shortly before he died? I am pretty sure he did. If I remember correctly, something about an alien threat which will be the last, desperate hoax.
Also Reagan was swooning about how much an alien threat would unite mankind...

"Alenating your audience." lol good one. Love Doshi's decorations!! I don't think you lose Christian friends. And, if you do, it is what it is, I agree. Jesus would have walked the ends of the earth to spread the good message. You keep doing the same. On a different note, my mom called me the other night. Told me to look in the NW sky over FL - she said the TV was telling her she'd she that space station. It was dark, about 7 pm. I did go look. I saw a very bright star like object, too close to be a star, fly from the northern horizon across the sky towards the southeast. Very bright. Very very bright. I do not for a million years think it was a space station, only because her TV said it was... but, the real question is ... what did I see? Not a UFO. Not a space station. It looked like a fast moving star. Jesus said when you see signs in the skies, look up. Blessings