As requested here is Top 10 Bitcoin Faucets (Best Bitcoin Faucets, not bad ones) leave a comment below which coin you would like to be done next.
➜ Windice - https://windice.io/?r=h756u8tfy
➜ Allcoins - https://allcoins.pw/?ref=82196
➜ Cointiply - http://cointiply.com/r/ABRRg
➜ Bitkong - https://bitkong.com/en?r=bmFpfRc5LKTV
➜ BTC Telegram - https://t.me/BitcoinClick_bot?start=3ADO
➜ Freefaucet - https://freefaucet.io/login/register.php?r=ej5p2j7nljpohzp
➜ Moonbit - http://moonbit.co.in/?ref=0817ea41e968
➜ Bonus BTC - http://bonusbitcoin.co/?ref=BB28C1494D54
➜ BTC Clicks -https://btcclicks.com/?r=51fca57b
➜ Bitcoin Run - http://www.bitcoingameapps.com/track.php?ref=7833692
As of making this video i haven't received payment from exactly all listed faucets in this video (Well technically only 2, but i will hopefully remember to edit this comment later, once i have). Bear in mind due to nature of Bitcoin and its high fees, its expected to have higher withdrawal limits versus your favorite coins. #Bitcoin #BTC #Crypto
I have big collection of other faucets to be found here for altcoins & BTC - https://sugikingdom.com/ultimate-crypto-faucet-list/
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➜ Discord - https://discord.gg/MMEnf2c
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