Continuing with faucet videos this time ill be featuring some Dogecoin ones, which seem to be quite popular with multiple websites that run faucets in general, its really pretty ideal coin for that. #Doge #Dogecoin #Crypto
#1 Cryptofaucet - https://www.thecryptofaucet.com/?r=11105
#2 Moondoge - http://moondoge.co.in/?ref=0f88c38f0e55
#3 Cointiply - http://cointiply.com/r/ABRRg
#4 DogeClickBot - https://t.me/Dogecoin_click_bot?start=2P8l
#5 Tipcc - https://discordtip.io/ (or join server below)
If you want to get over 7% yearly interest on Dogecoin, might want to look into Stakecube's service that pays daily (zero fees on withdrawals) https://stakecube.net/?team=liteliger
➜ Also check out prodoge - https://prodoge.com/
If you are interested claiming some faucet on my server, please join below to discord server!
➜ Discord - https://discord.gg/MMEnf2c
➜ Telegram - https://t.me/LiteLigerLounge
➜ Install Brave - https://brave.com/?ref=lit466
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