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RE: DTube - Is China Preparing For WAR In North Korea? - Troops Rushed To Border!

in #dtube7 years ago

To be completely honest the first time i really started looking in to the North Korea thing was like 5-6 years ago. Same with China, being that we owe them as much money as we do and that our dollar is basically useless because it's all fiat currancy. Either North Korea is gathering their army and threatening to go to war or China is doing something similar. I noticed after thinking we were going to go to war i saw an artical from the pericious year, around the same time saying the same thing and the year before that. Usually during the war games.
what i believe it is, is a bunch of propaganda and fear mongering. To be honest it kind of makes me laugh now when people tag me in comments because it happens so often that everyone thinks we are about to go to war. The fact of the matter is, is that North Korea is the last place i am worried about, they simply dont have the technology or resources people think they have. Not to mention the majority of the country is malnourished and starving to death under a communist ruler.
In closing, I refuse to let any commy scum keep me up at night. Nor should you.
P.S. I reccomend looking over the past couple of years at news articals that said we were going to go to war with North Korea or they are readying their army. I am sure you will come to a similar consulsion as me.